Carolina Wren at Sandy Point

I went back to Sandy Point State Park this morning, for lack of any better available choice. Late July is kind of blah for birding.


This is the first deer (There were two of them) I’ve seen at Sandy Point. She looked to be pretty skinny.

Carolina Wren

It’s always a treat to hear a Carolina Wren.

Bay Bridge

The beaches are littered with Gulls.


Mockingbirds are thriving at Sandy Point.


It’s my understanding that the Chesapeake Bay is the largest Osprey breeding ground.

Great  Black Backed Gull

This appears to be a first year Great Black Backed Gull

Little Yellow

This may be a Little Yellow, but I’m not sure.

Black Vulture

This would make a good cover for a Gothic novel.

Great Blue Heron

I watched this Great Blue Heron fish for a while, but he wasn’t having much luck.


This Cardinal needs to eat to finish molting.


I haven’t found an ID for this butterfly.