I went out yesterday, but the rain came early and I didn’t get much. Today, was better, clear skies and a bit warmer. My obsession to get a great Hummingbird image continues. All I need is perfect light and a a whole lot of luck.
Fortunately, some other birds came along to brighten up the day.

Too many Ruby Throated Hummingbirds?
My Blog, my rules. 🙂

Governor Bridge is well populated with Indigo Buntings.

This Blue Gray Gnatcatcher came along while I was waiting for the hummingbird.

This Common Yellowthroat also appeared, and I neglected to change the shutter speed, hence the grainy appearance.

Waiting for a bird to appear? There’s always a Dragonfly nearby.

This Great Crested Flycatcher also appeared during the hummingbird vigil.

I believe this is the first Eastern Phoebe I’ve photographed this year.

There’s no shortage of Bumblebees, either.

This female Red Bellied Woodpecker is from yesterday.

A pair of Cardinals are always foraging near the small ponds.

This White Eyed Vireo was also near the small ponds.

Regina pointed out this Red Bellied Woodpecker.

My first attempt at a Spider Web.

This Cedar Waxwing is also from yesterday.