Decent weather for a change. I got to Possum Point around 6:45. It was in the high 70s and very overcast.
I immediately startled a feeding doe and two large waterbirds I couldn’t see well enough to ID. Almost certainly not Great Blue Herons, dark and silent.
I messed around for a while, then spent a couple of hours at the nature center, followed by an afternoon trip to Truxtun Park.
There were two of these birds hanging around Possum Point. They seemed to be eating something on the ground, but I didn’t see what it was.
There are still many Ospreys around, and many have successfully raised their young.
The deer are doing well. This is another doe. I’ve seen a couple of bucks, but have yet to get a picture.
This Red Bellied Woodpecker examined the dead limbs on this tree for several minutes.
I count 28 Starlings.
Some Ospreys will allow you to approach quite closely.
There were two Mockingbirds engaging in what appeared to be a territorial dispute.
The Eastern Kingbird is very handsome.
It’s hard to pass up a Cardinal.
This Blue Gray Gnatcatcher led me a merry chase and I was lucky to get this shot.
There seems to always be a Chipping Sparrow around the Nature Center building.
This Western Tiger Swallowtail is looking a little ragged.
This Great Blue Heron seemed to be resting.
For most of this year I’ve only seen Northern Rough Winged Swallows at Truxtun Park, so this Barn Swallow was a surprise.
I remember watching Dragonflies as a child, but it wasn’t until recently I realized there were many different ones.