I decided on a short, local trip today, so I went to Possum Point and The Nature Center to see what was going on. The weather was decent, if a little humid, and warming quickly.
It’s hard not to try to get a shot of the Bay Bridge in the morning.
I’ve been getting shots of this first year Osprey since it was just a chick. If you ever think there’s no mystery to life, contemplate that process.
I’m getting better at capturing these birds in flight, but there’s still some luck involved.
This Mallard juvenile was enjoying an early morning swim.
I’m sure it’s an Oriole, but I’m not sure which one yet.
There’s a large dead tree at Possum Point that is often used as a dining area.
These guys were foraging on the same flower at the Nature Center.
A little more light would have helped, but this is my best shot of a Blue Grosbeak to date.
This Orchard Oriole posed very nicely.
You can almost always find a Chipping Sparrow at the Nature Center.