With nice weather promised, I took a chance on Lake Artemesia this morning, and it worked out.
There weren’t a great number of birds, but there was a good variety and they were close enough for decent images.
Most of the Geese are gone, but the Wood Ducks and Grebes have moved in, as well as a few Mergansers.
I made a stop at Quiet Waters on the way home, but didn’t see much.
Soon we’ll be seeing warblers and Spring will be here.

This pair of Horned Grebes was at Quiet Waters.

I almost missed this pair of Wood Ducks in Indian Creek.

Several Northern Flickers were foraging on the ground.

A lone Double Crested Cormorant flew in while I was circling the lake.

Several Cardinals were feeding near the water’s edge.

A few Mallards were swimming in the lake.

A single pair of Hooded Mergansers were serenely paddling about.

I found this mis-matched pair at Quiet Waters yesterday.

These Pied Billed Grebes are in breeding plumage.