I started at Terrapin Nature Park this morning, and it was unusually slow, so I moved on to CBEC after an hour or so, which has had some good birds recently. The rumors were true, with many wading birds, sandpipers and my very first Tri Colored Heron.

I was lucky to catch this Barn Swallow in such a nice pose.

Two Forster’s Terns were fishing in the marsh pond at Terrapin.

I have no idea what’s stuck on the beak of this Common Tern.

These Common Terns were also at Terrapin.

I think this is a Greater Yellowlegs.

I don’t often see a Brown Thrasher on the ground.

This Green Heron posed just right to show off his coloration.

A flock of 14 Snowy Egrets flew overhead.

Look closely to see the Tri Colored Heron mixed in with the Snowy Egrets.

I don’t recall seeing this many Snowy Egrets in one place.

This Tri Colored Heron is a first for me.

This very young deer watched me through the fence and never moved.