Four Birds on a Wire

I had a job in Lothian this morning, on the farm of a friend, and he graciously allowed me to cruise the property for birds. It’s a haven for all kinds of wildlife, and he’s one a marvelous job of landscaping and general maintenance. The first thing I noticed was an abundance of Flycatchers and Butterflies.

Acadian Flycatcher

These birds are hard to identify, but I’m calling it an Acadian Flycatcher.

Zebra Swallowtail

Zebra Swallowtail

My Android Audubon Butterfly app says this is a Zebra Swallowtail.

Northern Parula

Hardly a great image, but a nice find for me. I believe this is a Northern Parula, and I’ve only seen a couple in the past.

Aphrodite Fritillary

I’m fairly confident this is an Aphrodite Fritillary.

Yellow Bellied Flycatcher

When I set up for this shot, there were two Yellow Bellied Flycatchers sitting on the branch, so the other two were a nice surprise.


This Goldfinch will be adopting a winter plumage before long.