It’s been a long dry spell around here. I suspect migration is a little slow, but one big kink in my favorite spots is the high water. Many wading birds look for shallow water and mudflats, and that’s hard to find around here right now. I can’t put any real blame on climate change, but you gotta’ wonder.
I’ve mostly been to CBEC and Terrapin, with a few trips to Wooton, Governor Bridge and Sandy Point. None are living up to historical norms, but there’s probably some bad luck also.
Anyway, here’s a few images from the last two weeks. Maybe we’ll have better luck soon.
This is a link to my Ebird checklist:

CBEC in the morning.

A pair of late season Yellow Billed Cuckoos were foraging at Lake Artemesia.

My first Pied Billed Grebe of the season.

Catbirds have been numerous lately.

This Domestic Goose is still hanging around Lake Artemesia.

Caspian Terns have returned to Sandy Point.

An early morning Egret at CBEC.

This Common Yellowthroat was migrating through Terrapin.

A Solitary Sandpiper was looking for a meal at Wooton’s Landing.

This has been a good year for Brown Thrashers.

A Black and White Warbler from Artemesia.

This is a Chimney Swift. I rarely try to photograph these erratic, fast avian missiles.

Arctic Tern from my trip to Seal Island.

American Redstart from Terrapin.

Several Wood Ducks were cruising the shoreline at Artemesia.

I’ve seen a lot of Eastern Box Turtles lately.