Red Breasted Merganser at Thomas Point State Park

Another overcast, but warmish day. I decided to try Jonas Green and Thomas point again, and it worked out alright.
A few small birds posed at Jonas Green, and I worked on flight shots at Thomas Point.

Red Breasted Merganser

Red Breasted Merganser

Red Breasted Merganser

Red Breasted Merganser

Red Breasted Merganser 45

Red Breasted Merganser

Red Breasted Merganser

Red Breasted Merganser

These are my first flight shots of Red Breasted Mergansers.


This Mallard flew below me as I stood on the old bridge.

Lesser Scaup

Lesser Scaup congregate at Jonas Green in small flocks.

House Finch

This little evergreen often attracts birds like this House Finch.

Double Crested Cormorant

Tundra Swan

Northern Cardinal

This Northern Cardinal is in the same evergreen.

Cedar Waxwing

This is the first Cedar Waxwing I’ve seen at Jonas Green.

Double Crested Cormorant

Double Crested Cormorants were feeding in the Severn River.

Tundra Swan

Tundra Swans are easy to find at Thomas Point in the Winter.

Song Sparrow

A Song Sparrow in the same little tree.

Surf Scoter at Thomas Point State Park

The weatherman promised ideal weather, and delivered. Bright sunshine and temps in the high 40s, so I set out for Jonas Green and Thomas Point. I saw some nice birds in both places.

Surf Scoter

Surf Scoter

Surf Scoter

Thomas Point is a good place to try for flight shots like these Surf Scoters

Red Winged Blackbird

Red Winged Blackbird

This Red Winged Blackbird might be a first year bird.

Red Breasted Merganser

Red Breasted Merganser

Red Breasted Mergansers will peer underwater for prey, then dive rapidly.

Lesser  Scaup

Lesser  Scaup

Lesser  Scaup

Lesser  Scaup

Lesser  Scaup

Lesser Scaup are the most plentiful bird at the point.



I’m not sure what Gull this is.



A lot of small birds were foraging along with these Goldfinches.

Northern Flicker

I was lucky to catch this Northern Flicker before he bolted.


Several small flocks of Bufflehead are usually at the point.



These Bluebirds were at Jonas Green.

Black Backed Seagull

This Black Backed Seagull flew right in front of me when I was standing on the old bridge.

Bald Eagle

This Bald Eagle is a re-edit.

Chinese Mantis Egg Case

Another try at the Chinese Mantis Egg Case.

Lesser Scaup at Thomas Point State Park

There was a Snowy Owl at Sandy Point yesterday, so I met Graeme there, along with Wendy C. We hunted high and low for two hours and found nada.
Graeme and I then went to Thomas Point, where the light was great, the birds not so much.

Just a rock on the beach.

Just a rock on the beach.

Lesser  Scaup

Lesser  Scaup

Lesser Scaup continue to be common at the point.

Downy Woodpecker

A pair of Downy Woodpeckers entertained me briefly.


Bluebirds arer thriving at Sandy pint.

Surf Scoter

This Surf Scoter is flying with a Lesser Scaup.

Ring Billed Gull 31

Red Breasted Merganser

Red Breasted Mergansers will become more numerous soon.

Hunting Bald Eagle at Thomas Point.

Gloomy, overcast and cold. Far from ideal, but I did well yesterday, so I took a chance. Jonas Green was only slightly good, and Greenbury Point was dead, so I went to Thomas Point and found a few decent shots.

Common Goldeneye

Common Goldeneye

Common Goldeneye

Common Goldeneyes are getting easier to find.

Canada Goose

These Canada Geese were flying over Jonas Green.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

I was talking with some dog walkers at the point, and mentioned how cool it would be for a Bald Eagle go after the ducks. Ask and receive.

Muscovy Duck

The Muscovy Duck is still hanging out at Jonas Green.

Lesser  Scaup

Lesser  Scaup

Lesser  Scaup

Lesser  Scaup

Lesser  Scaup

In some of these shots, the Lesser Scaup are fleeing the Eagle.

Double Crested Cormorant

This Double Crested Cormorant was dining under the bridge at Jonas Green.

Piebald Deer at Greenbury Point

I made two trips to Jonas Green Park and Greenbury Point today, interrupted by Christmas stuff.
I found some nice birds on both trips, and experimented with my new macro setup.






This is the first Killdeer I've seen at Jonas Green.

This is the first Killdeer I’ve seen at Jonas Green.

Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing

Large flocks of Cedar Waxwings are easily found at Greenbury.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

I fumbled and missed a good shot of this Bald Eagle fishing.

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrows like the wetland grass at Jonas Green.

Piebald Deer

Piebald Deer

I had no idea what this was until I saw the momma deer.
“A piebald is an animal, usually a mammal such as a white-tailed deer or horse, that has a spotting pattern of large white and black patches. The color of a piebald’s skin underneath its coat may vary between black (under the black patches of hair) and pink (under the white patches). The coloring is generally asymmetrical, resulting in deer with abnormally wild brown and white coloration . Many animals also exhibit coloration of the irises of the eye that match the surrounding skin. This condition also occurs in white-tailed deer.

Fruit 1

Seed Pod 1I’m told this is a Chinese Mantis egg case.These guys are really huge.

Seed Pod 2

Just Testing.

Just Testing.

Red Tailed Hawk at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center

I took another stab at the Bay Bridge Snowy Owl this morning, with no joy to be found. The pickings were actually quite slim, so I went to CBEC afterward and checked out the rehab birds.

Red Tailed Hawk

Red Tailed Hawk 95

Red Tailed Hawk

This Red Tailed Hawk has lost his left eye.

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron

This Great Blue Heron flew right at me.

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher 84

This Belted Kingfisher was fishing in the same marsh pond as previously.

Barred Owl

This Barred Owl is also in rehab.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle 229

Bald Eagle 228

Bald Eagle 227

Bald Eagle

I saw several Bald Eagles today.

Mouse Bone

This is a 5/8″ mouse bone from an owl pellet. I reversed my 18-55mm lens and added a 20mm extension tube to get this image.

Lesser Scaup at Thomas Point State Park

I had to work this morning, and I had planned to so some chores as the weatherman was calling for rain. When I finished, the Sun was shining brightly, so I headed to Thomas Point and Quiet Waters. It was largely a waste, except for a nice Owl pellet. It’s strange how the birds are so scarce some days.

Owl Pellet

Owl Pellet

Owl Pellet

This is a “Pellet” regurgitated by an owl. It contains the indigestible remains of its prey, which appears to be a small mammal of some kind.

Lesser  Scaup

Lesser  Scaup

Lesser Scaup will be here in large numbers for several months.

Ring Billed Gull

Ring Billed Gulls are one of our most common gulls.

Bald Eagle at Patuxent NWR

I met Graeme at Patuxent NWR this morning, and we wandered around a bit without seeing very much. He showed me some ideas for macro shots, and that’s mostly what we did. Very few birds were in evidence.

Swamp Sparrow

Swamp Sparrow

Several Swamp Sparrows were foraging in the marsh.

Ring Necked Duck

My first Ring Necked Ducks of the year.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

With just a little more light these Bald Eagles would have been better.

Downy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpeckers often get quite close.

Patuxent Sky

There wasn’t much Sun today.

Fungus 11

Fungus 10

Fungus 9

Fungus 8

Fungus 7

Fungus 12

Today's fungi.

Today’s fungi.

Hermit Thrush at Thomas Point State Park

A cloudy morning gave way to sunshine early, so I went to Thomas Point to see if the duck population had increased (Looking for Snowy Owls all the while).
There was very little at the point so I stopped in a cove on the way out and found a few birds. I also stopped at Quiet Waters, but there wasn’t much to see.

Lesser  Scaup

A large flock of Lesser Scaup was at the point.


Mallards are the duck we see most often.

Mourning Dove

This Mourning Dove seems darker than most.

Tundra Swan

Tundra Swan

I almost missed these Tundra Swans

Bald Eagle 221

Bald Eagle 222


This Great Blue Heron was napping

Hermit Thrush

I don’t often see Hermit Thrushes in bright sunshine.

Hermit Thrush

Hermit Thrush

House Finch

House Finch

I’m not sure what this House Finch is eating.

Wasp Nest

I was impressed by the size of this Wasp Nest.

Belted Kingfisher at Terrapin Nature Park

A Snowy Owl has been seen several times on the East end of the bay bridge, so I headed to Terrapin, which ends at the bay bridge. I wasn’t able to locate the owl, but I got to explore a new area of the park, and I found a few nice birds.

Terrapin Sunrise 1Sunrise at Terrapin.


This Merlin is from yesterday at Greenbury Point.

Song Sparrow 61

Song Sparrow

I found this Song Sparrow as I was leaving the park.

Ring Billed Gull

Ring Billed Gull

Ring Billed Gull

I don’t often bother with Ring Billed Gulls because they’re so common.

Northern Harrier 28

Northern Harrier

This Northern Harrier was hunting near the marsh pond.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

This is the best time of year for Bald Eagles.

Tundra Swan

Two Tundra Swans were feeding near the bay bridge.

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher

It was a Belted Kingfisher kind of day.