I got to Blackwater just in time for a couple of sunrise shots, and the resident birds got active right away. A Red Tailed Hawk initially eluded me, but I found him later and got a couple of good looks.
The water along WIldlife Drive was ice-free, unlike my last visit. There weren’t as as many ducks as I wanted, but there was plenty of variety. Swans and Geese were abundant, but difficult to photograph due to distance.
I made a brief stop at Oakley Street, where the water was spraying over the wall. A good day, with good light.

Sunrise at Blackwater NWR.

There were fewer Northern Shovelers than usual.

American Wigeon at Oakley Street.

There were many Canvasbacks.

Many Scaup were in the crowd.

Many Tundra Swans were foraging in the marsh.

I found about 5 Bald Eagles.

I found this Great Blue Heron as I entered the refuge.

I saw this Red Tailed Hawk on three different perches.