I tried Possum Point early, to look at the sky, and it wasn’t at all interesting. I tried Schoolhouse Pond next, and it was not at all interesting. Only the usual suspects, and mostly too far away.
I ended up at Thomas Point. The weather was perfect and the water was calm, which can be ideal at Thomas Point. There were certainly plenty of birds, including two FOS birds, a Merganser and a Grebe. Again many of the birds were too far for good images, but it was a good morning nonetheless.
This Belted Kingfisher made only a brief appearance.
Many Ruddy Ducks were at the point, and most seemed to be sleeping.
You can hear the call of Surf Scoters from quite a distance, a soft whistling noise.
There were many Scaup, but only this one came in close enough for a picture.
I haven’t seen as many Common Goldeneyes as in past years.
First Horned Grebe of the season.
There will be Buffleheads at the point all winter.
Tundra Swans hang around all winter as well.
I found this Great Blue Heron at Schoolhouse Pond.
First Red Breasted Merganser of the season.