Cool and calm with light winds. A good day for birding, but mighty cool for late April.
I was determined to get back to Governor Bridge for some of the birds I’ve missed, and I found one. I see more trips in the future.
Monthly Archives: April 2014
Northern Parula at Governor Bridge Natural Area
We’re getting some consistent Spring weather, so I decided to try Governor Bridge, which has been a good warbler place in the past. I found a few, but others found many more, so I’ll be heading back soon.
Common Yellowthroat at Wooton Wetlands Preserve.
Well, I can’t complain about the weather or the birds today. I missed a couple of nice warblers, but the good light and some cooperative birds made up for it. I’l catch the other ones on another day.
Osprey at Greenbury Point
If you’d told me I could spend the morning at Greenbury Point without seeing anything of interest, I would have disagreed.
While it wasn’t a complete waste, it was unusually barren.
Fed Ex Doesn’t Care About Your Package
This package has been in front of my door for four days. It was delivered to the wrong address (We are 1021, the address says 1121).
We have: Called the recipient and left a message. This is the second time her packages have been left at our door, and she didn’t do anything about it last time.
We have also called Fed Ex 3 times, and they have yet to act.
When I said I’d post it on the web, they said, “Go ahead”. I have gone ahead.
Swamp Sparrow at Wooton’s Wetland Preserve
Bald Eagle at Wooton’s Wetland Preserve
The morning was windy and cool, which is not a favorite of mine, but I set out anyway.
The wind appeared to be keeping the birds out of sight, and it wasn’t much of a morning except for the Eagle.
Savannah Sparrow at Greenbury Point
Rain was in the forecast, so I decided to stay close to home this morning. I haven’t been to Greenbury in a while, and the nice weather brought in a few good birds. A very cooperative hawk was a good end to a short trip this morning.
Prothonotary Warbler at Wooton’s Wetland Preserve
Another chilly morning that warmed quickly and brought out the birds. It was hard to choose a place this morning, but I settled on Wooton because of the good reports.
It was the right choice, for a change. There was a lot of activity for a while, and some good birds. I missed a couple more, but I won’t be complaining today.
Mallard Ducklings at Governor Bridge Natural Area
The days are getting more Spring-like, and warblers are starting to trickle in. There were sightings at Governor Bridge yesterday, so I went to check them out.
Alas, the warblers are showing for everyone but me.
I did get a few acceptable shots, and I’ll keep trying.