I like to find birds when I go out, and I’m not finding many around here. It seems to me that wasn’t always so. In any event, I headed to College Park this morning, despite the traffic, which I came to loathe years ago.
Lake Artemesia was OK-not over abundant, but a good variety, including my first decent Grebes of the season.
I also stopped by Buddy Attick Lake, which is only a couple of miles away, and found a few good birds.
A good morning.

Lake Artemesia.

I found this Common Loon at Quiet Waters yesterday.

This Ring Necked image is enhanced by the reflection of the fall colors.

A single Great Blue Heron was fishing at Buddy Attick.

I found 4 Pied Billed Grebes at Lake Artemesia.

Two female Hooded Mergansers were resting at Buddy Attick.

Ring Necked ducks always seem to be at Lake Artemesia in the Winter.

Many Mallards are at both lakes.

This is the same Tundra Swan I found a couple of weeks ago.

I found 4 Pied Billed Grebes at Lake Artemesia.