I had to work this morning, so I had only an abbreviated trip to Quiet Waters, where there were virtually no birds to be seen. A Fox appeared on the way over, though.
I only found a few bugs, and they weren’t worth the time to photograph, so, better luck next time.
Monthly Archives: September 2014
Phladelpha Vireo at Governor Bridge Natural Area
Halcyon days continue. Another dawn foray to Governor Bridge produced a life bird for me, and more than a few warblers were around. I didn’t get many shots, but it was a good day to be a birder.
I found only a few interesting bugs.
Common Yellowthroat at Wooton’s Landing.
Another day of perfect weather, but the migrants passed me by. I spent quite a bit of time searching the bushes, but the few possibilities I saw were well hidden. I was lucky to get the Yellowthroat.
Very few bugs around also.
Northern Paula at Governor Bridge Natural Area
We’re having an amazing run of excellent weather. I got to Governor Bridge early, as usual, and didn’t have to wait long. Birds started appearing right away, and I stayed busy for about two hours.
Insect hunting was slow, and the cooler weather is probably at fault.
Rose Breasted Grosbeak at Terrapin Nature Park
It was cool and cloudy this morning, but I decided to return to Terrapin to see if could do as well as last time. It didn’t turn out that way. In fact, It was downright barren of birds, and I was lucky to get the Grosbeak.
Insect were slow as well, but a few spiders were around.
Sawinson’s Thrush at Governor Bridge Natural Area
What a day! Near perfect weather and birds in abundance. I haven’t seen a Sawinson’s Thrush for a long time, and several warblers posed well. Other birds were cooperative as well.
A weird bug topped the day.
Warbling Vireo at Terrapin Nature Park
I went back to Terrapin this morning, as it’s always been a good place for Fall migrants. I saw my very first Warbling Vireo, and witnessed an encounter between a Black Rat Snake and a Northern Flicker. Several good birds were around.
Bug hunting wasn’t as good, but I found a few.

I was standing under a tree full of birds at Terrapin when a Flicker flew in and started making one Hell of a racket. It was actually quite startling, but I couldn’t see enough to tell what was happening. Imagine my surprise when I uploaded and examined the picture and saw a large snake having a disagreement with the Flicker. I left this full size so you can see more.
Yellow Breasted Chat at Governor Bridge Natural Area
It was cloudy and cool this morning, with the promise of clearing and warming. The weatherman got it right, but the birds are still scarce. A late Chat made up for it, though.
A few interesting bugs made for a decent day.
House Wren at Governor Bridge Natural Area
After yesterday’s disappointing foray, I went back to Governor Bridge in hopes of finding some migrants. I didn’t get any great images, but at least there were a few good birds around.
Bugs were more cooperative as well.
Red Eyed Vireo at Wooton’s Landing
It was just one of those days. Beautiful weather and no birds to speak of at all. I searched Wooton, along with a fellow birder, for 2-3 hours and found hardly anything at all.
I didn’t find much in the way of bugs, either.