Another in a long series of hot and humid days. I confess it affects my enthusiasm, and I’m sure it limits the birding.
I started out at the Nature Center, where the firing range was open again, then stopped at Jonas Green Park, with a brief swing by Truxtun Park. A slow day altogether.
The Osprey seems to be carrying nesting material, possibly for repairs.
The Yellow Breasted Chat is often secretive, singing his bizarre song from within a bush, but this little guy gave me a chance for a decent picture.
The female Orchard Oriole is completely different from her black and orange mate.
Here’s a front view of our Orchard Oriole.
You have to appreciate the willingness of the Blue Grosbeak to strike a classic pose.
This Doe was out unusually late in the mornng.
It would nice to know the names of these dragonflies, but I’ll settle for their beauty for now.
Great Blue Herons frequently fly over the bay in Summer.
The Eastern Kingbird is a flycatcher, and a very handsome bird.
Western Tiger Swallowtail.
This Savannah Sparrow is singing from the same branch in the same tree as yesterday.
I hadn’t planned to go out after dinner, as it was so hot, but after listening to John Sunnunu say Obama should “Learn how to be an American”, I decided to go out in the ‘hood rather than throw something through the TV.
I often pass up Robins as they are so common here, but this guy seemed to have his mouth open for no reason, and I wondered of it was a side effect of the heat.
I’m not sure which Sparrow this is, but he was very cooperative, landing only a few feet away and waiting patently for me to take several shots. Edit: A Cowbird, I think.