Yet another superb day. The sunrise at Sandy Point was quite good. I headed right for Terrapin, as the local park is closed on Tuesdays. Friends have seen some good birds on the Eastern Shore recently and I found them as well.
Terrapin was well populated with ducks and a few passerines are trickling in also.
I stopped at Kent Narrows, which continues to be disappointing.
CBEC had hundreds of distant ducks, but I got close enough to a few for some decent images.

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

View from the blind at Terrapin.

The Marsh Pond at Terrapin.

Tundra Swans will also be heading North soon.

This Canada Goose will be nesting soon.

CBEC is a good spot for Northern Harriers.

Northern Pintails will be heading North to breed soon.

Eastern Phoebes are just arriving from the southern US and Central America.

I think this is the first Northern Shoveler I’ve seen at Terrapin.

I was in just the right spot when this Wood Duck flew over.

Not a great shot of these Wood Ducks, but I’ll get better ones soon.

Red Winged Blackbirds are very active now.

Not perfect, but Tree Swallows in flight are tough to get.

Dozens of Yellow Rumped Warblers were feeding near the marsh pond.

This female Ring Necked Duck had me stumped for a few minutes.