Graeme and I went to Shenandoah NP yesterday to look for birds, and, hopefully a bear.
Birding was a lot slower than we had hoped, and the bears eluded us.
On the insect front, we had hoped to find some butterflies, but they they, too were scarce.

Graeme Simpson on Skyline Drive.

Hard at work in the Big Meadow.

The view from Skyline Drive. `
Field Sparrow

We were surprised to find this Dark Eyed Junco, who must be at the southern end of his range.

Chipping Sparrows were abundant.

We found a flock of Goldfinches in the Big Meadow, where we spent most of our time.

We saw thousands of Sand Flies, which were appreciated by the many Flycatchers.

Cedar Waxwings were taking advantage of the flies also.

Bluebirds and Sparrows were the dominant species.

This Yellow Rumped Warbler was the only warbler we found.

Today’s Bugs.