I’ve been staying close to home lately, with a couple of trips to Wooton and CBEC that didn’t really pay off. I had better luck today.
The pond at Jonas Green Park has been busy, with many Wood Duck fledglings and a few Herons and Egrets. Quiet Waters has been underwhelming. It may pick up now that a few Warblers are being seen.
My new camera gear has arrived and I’ve been learning how best to use it. I believe I’ll be getting some better shots now. Thanks to everyone who helped.

Snowy Egrets have been numerous this year.

I’m seeing fewer Great Blue Herons than usual.

Chipping Sparrows have returned to Quiet Waters Park..

Wood Ducks are doing well in the pond at Jonas Green.

This Great Blue Heron was fishing at Possum Point.

This is a juvenile Chipping Sparrow.

Jonas Green is home to dozens of House Sparrows.

This Palm Warbler was visiting Jonas Green Park.

I found this House Wren at Greenbury Point, where he may stay the Winter.

I hear Chickadees more often that I see them.

This female Indigo Bunting is headed south.

Brown Thrashers are moving south for the Winter.

I probably miss a lot of Common Yellowthroats because their song is so quiet.

Yellow Billed Cuckoos are another bird more often heard than seen.

I see a few Eastern Wood Peewees every year.

Pine Warblers are seen every year at CBEC.