Morning at Thomas Point.
It’s been a while since I published anything. I’ve been getting out, but good birds have been scarce, and I’ve been a bit lazy.
The Trumpeter Swans are around, and they may nest again this year, so I’ll stay on top of that.
Great Blue Herons are checking out the heronry, and that may be fruitful again this year.
There’s a real shortage of good ducks, but it’s been so warm, who can blame them?
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Last year's Trumpeter Swans have returned.
Black Ducks have long favored Thomas Point.
Buffleheads have been the most common duck by far at Thomas Point.
This pair of Canvasbacks was at Thomas Point.
Chickadees are always fun to watch.
I found this Dark Eyed Junco at Quiet Waters.
Large flocks of Double Crested Cormorants often fly past Thomas Point.
A small flock of Gadwalls is staying at the pond near Jonas Green.
These Hooded Mergansers are hanging out at the pond near Jonas Green.
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Long Tailed Ducks have been in short supply this year.
This Northern Flicker posed nicely.
I've seen very few Ruddy Ducks this year.
Many Song Sparrows hangout in the rocks at Thomas Point.
This Surf Scoter hen was eating mussels at Thomas Point.