I went back to Sandy Point State Park this morning, for lack of any better available choice. Late July is kind of blah for birding.
Monthly Archives: July 2012
Lothian:My First Owl
Someday I’ll figure out why one birding day is better than another. I went back to Lothian today and didn’t see nearly as many birds even though the weather was better and I had more time to seek them out.

When I first saw this Blue Grosbeak he was sitting atop a corn plant, but I couldn’t get a decent shot.. Fortunately, he flew to a nearby willow tree and posed.
Osprey:Two Fish in One Pass
Four Birds on a Wire
I had a job in Lothian this morning, on the farm of a friend, and he graciously allowed me to cruise the property for birds. It’s a haven for all kinds of wildlife, and he’s one a marvelous job of landscaping and general maintenance. The first thing I noticed was an abundance of Flycatchers and Butterflies.

Hardly a great image, but a nice find for me. I believe this is a Northern Parula, and I’ve only seen a couple in the past.
Dragonflies in the Heat
Work. weather and chores have been intruding on my birding for the last couple of days, so there’s not much to show here.
Yesterday I had to work on a couple pf computer problems, so my Sandy Point Trip was very short, and today I got new tires for the truck and got a few shots of the birds around Sam’s Club, but a subsequent trip to the Nature Center was very brief due to the excessive heat and humidity.
July 24, 2012
Hot and humid again, with a promise of thunderstorms that haven’t materialized yet, but seemed possible all day long. I slept later than usual, and arrived at Sandy Point State Park around 8:00 AM and circled the entire park, anti-clockwise.

I’ve taken a lot of photos of birds, and it can get a little ho-hum in cases, but some birds always give a thrill and leave you a little breathless. That’s the way I feel about Hawks. This Red Shouldered Hawk flew into the woods and I despaired of getting a good shot, but I moved nearer and was able to get some respectable images of this magnificent bird. I believe this is a juvenile.

This butterfly appears to have led a hard life. I’m calling it a Black Swallowtail, but it differs somewhat from the Audubon image.

There are many Ring Billed Gulls in the park. The red eye ring and red “Gape” mentioned in Sibley are easily seen here.
July 23, 2012
Another hot day, but I decided to try changing my luck and went to Sandy Point State Park this morning. This is a 786 acre park right on the Chesapeake Bay, at the Eastern end of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.
There is a fee, but I had read about the “Golden Age” pass, which was granted quickly, and gives me free entrance to all MD State Parks. A good deal.
From the web site:”Wildlife viewing and bird watching are favorite pastimes for many park visitors. Sandy Point’s location on the Eastern Flyway makes it an ideal location for viewing a large variety of woodland, marsh and migratory waterfowl”

The Great Blue Heron (Juvenile) has yet to get is adult colors or plumage. He was not nearly as wary as an adult.

This Mockingbird, like many of his brethren, was perched at the top of his tree, proclaiming multiple songs loudly.
July 22, 2012
Decent weather for a change. I got to Possum Point around 6:45. It was in the high 70s and very overcast.
I immediately startled a feeding doe and two large waterbirds I couldn’t see well enough to ID. Almost certainly not Great Blue Herons, dark and silent.
I messed around for a while, then spent a couple of hours at the nature center, followed by an afternoon trip to Truxtun Park.

There were two of these birds hanging around Possum Point. They seemed to be eating something on the ground, but I didn’t see what it was.

The deer are doing well. This is another doe. I’ve seen a couple of bucks, but have yet to get a picture.
Indigo Bunting at Greenbury Point
We had a good rainstorm last night, and it looked like rain this morning, so I just spent a couple of hours at the Nature Center before setting out to do some much neglected chores.

A Catbird has taken up residence in a bush right in front of my house, and has confused me a couple of times. This bird was silent, however.
Grackle with Peanut
Another yucky, uninspiring day. It was warm early, even after last night’s welcome rain, an the firing range at USNA was open again, limiting the available birding space. I left soon after I arrived, as not much was happenng, and went to a friend’s house, which looks promising for the future.

There are so many Ospreys at Possum Point that I sometimes ignore them, but I’ll miss them when they migrate.