The unsettled weather seems to be ending. We’ve had rain,clouds and serious winds for several days, which kept me almost completely out of action.
I decided on Artemesia as it was a weekend and traffic is considerably lighter as a rule. As I get older, I dislike traffic even more.
Artemesia was good to me, if not a bonanza. The Loon was a nice surprise, and a friend pointed out a couple of snakes, which I seem to miss most of the time. A few other cooperative birds made for a decent morning.
I stopped at Truxtun Park in the afternoon and found a couple of birds as well.

I don’t often pay much time attention to House Sparrows, but this brightly colored Spring male caught my eye.

Canada Goslings are numerous at this time of year.

Several Canada Geese were bathing at Truxtun Park.

This Eastern Kingbird was flycatching at Lake Artemesia.

Wood Ducks with chicks will soon be numerous at Artemesia.

This Eastern Kingbird was flycatching at Lake Artemesia.

A Blue Gray Gnatcatcher was singing loudly.

When you picture a MD marsh, you have to include numerous Red Winged Blackbirds.

A Mallard has temporarily left her nest.

Canada Goslings are numerous at this time of year.

There’s a few Mallards at every lake.

When I find a Common Loon I always spent too much time trying to get the best look.

I found this Eastern Box Turtle crossing the road and gave him a hand.

This Painted Turtle was sunning at Lake Artemesia.

This Black Rat Snake stayed in the same spot for an hour or more.

I don’t see Rough Green Snakes often.