I managed to drop my camera and break a few things, so both lens and camera spent a couple of weeks in the shop, but I’m back in business now.
I’ve been hanging out locally with my 70-300mm Nikkor, and I found a few close enough for decent shot. Yesterday I got to Bombay Hook, which was unusually slow.
It’s good to have my tools at hand again.

An unusual pose for a Double Crested Cormorant.

First Northern Pintail of the season.

Savannah Sparrows are still easy to find.

First Ruddy Duck of the season.

Very cool Mallards.

There were hundreds of Least Sandpipers.

I found this Yellow Rumped Warbler (FOS) at Wooton’s Landing.

This Eastern Phoebe was also at Wooton.

A Ruby Crowned Kinglet from Wooton.

Truxtun Park always has a few Mallards.

Many Canada Geese spend time at Truxtun Park.

Green Winged Teal were very numerous.

Several Wild Turkeys were foraging by the side of the road.

I often see this Black Squirrel, but he doesn’t pose most of the time.

You can’t go wrong with a baby Squirrel.

This Squirrel hangs out at my front door.