Another day, another decision. Bombay Hook wins out because there’s still not much to see locally. This is a minor deal to me because I’m no fond of the hour and a half drive, largely in the dark, which is getting to be a small problem on some days.
Anyway, it turned out to be a good day weather-wise, if not as good as I’d hoped, bird-wise.
I don’t often hit these places on weekends, but it wasn’t too bad. More people than usual, but not crowded by any means.
Wading birds are still relatively scarce, but I got a good look at some passerines, so that made up for it.

Dawn at Bombay Hook.

Many Least Sandpipers were feeding on the mud flats.

A single Black-necked Stilt was in Bear Swamp Pool.

This might be a Lesser Yellowlegs.

Great Blue Herons are usually very quiet as they fly.

Many Goldfinches were feeding along the road side.

I hear Marsh Wrens frequently, but they can be hard to find.

This Great Egret was one of only a few I saw.

These Egrets seemed to be snoozing.

Red Winged Blackbirds make good images in the right setting.

I saw only a few Forster’s Terns.

I found this Mockingbird Saturday at Lake Artemesia.

This Northern Flicker was also at Artemesia.

Blue grosbeaks seem to be more visible than usual.