Yet another hot and humid day. I left for the Nature Center a little later than usual to get better light. The firing range was in use again, so I was restricted to the Nature Center grounds, which have been very productive, so that was fine with me. Afterward I stopped at Jonas Green Park.
This flock of Mallards flew over me early.
I usually see Blue Grosbeaks from head on, but this one is showing his wing patches, a good field mark.
Here he is again, singing from the top of a tall plant, as they often do.
This is a female Blue Grosbeak.
This Goldfinch was looking for breakfast.
I assume every bird photographer tries to get these beauties if they get close enough.
This female Orchard Oriole was also looking for an early meal.
This is my first House Wren. The weak eye stripe and overall drabness distinguish it from the Carolina Wren.
This Yellow Breasted hat was just close enough for a picture.
This female Red Winged Blackbird struck a very nice pose.
This Crow was looking for leftovers on the picnic tables at Jonas Legum State Park.
A solitary Ring Billed Gull walked along the deserted beach.
I’m not sure this lifeguard was properly vetted.
Here’s a good look at the Red Winged Blackbird’s shoulder patches.
The fish this Osprey is carrying appears to be partially eaten. I’ve seen Ospreys fly off with a half eaten fish when their roost is disturbed.
This Sparrow was singing very melodiously and insistently. I moved to get a better view and he flew away, but come back to the same spot in a few minutes.
He put his all into his singing.
This Goldfinch, and a companion, were much more interested in eating than in the cameraman or the several people who walked by.