Long Tailed Ducks at Thomas Point.

Things are a little different this year. I’m laying low to avoid crowds, and generally staying close to home. It’s actually working out well, because I’m getting to know these places a little better. Even the smallest places are large enough to have several distinct areas, and I’ve been looking in the same places all the time. Now, I’m checking out some new area and finding birds. The ducks aren’t really here yet, so all is well. Quiet Waters is a large park, and there’s still more places to check out.

Red Tailed Hawk 2020-1

Red Tailed Hawk 2020-2

I heard this Red Tailed Hawk before I saw him. They can be quite loud and startling.

Black Scoter 2020-9

Black Scoter 2020-6

There are many Black Scoters at Thomas Point.

Long Tailed Duck 2020-9

These two Long Tailed duck hens are at Thomas Point.

Long Tailed Duck 2020-10

Long Tailed Duck 2020-8

Only a few Long Tailed ducks have arrived so far.

Song Sparrow 2020-15

Most Song Sparrows forage on the ground.

Cardinal 2020-34

Cardinal 2020-33

There’s always a Cardinal or two.

Tuftef Titmousr 2020-16

Tufted Titimice are cute and numerous.

Carolina Wren 2020-29

You can’t walk long in a MD woods without hearing a Carolina Wren.

Tundra Swan 2020-52

The usual flock of Tundra Swans is near Thomas Point.

Bufflehead 2020-45

Bufflehead 2020-47

There seems to be more Buffleheads than usual.

Downy Woodpecker 2020-35

This Downy Woodpecker posed nicely.


House Finch 2020-12

House Finches aren’t as numerous as other birds.

Dark Eyed Junco 2020-16

Many Dark Eyed Juncos are wandering around the park.

Pine Siskin 2020-27 Pine Siskin 2020-32

Pine Siskin 2020-30

There are still Pine Siskins in the area.

Chipping Sparrow 2020-28

I saw a lot of Chipping Sparrows this morning.

Chipping Sparrow 2020-26 Chipping Sparrow 2020-25

Chipping Sparrow 2020-28

I saw a lot of Chipping Sparrows this morning.

Eastern Bluebird 2020-115

Eastern Bluebird 2020-116

There are many small flocks of Bluebirds.

Sparrows at Quiet Waters Park.

Where are the ducks? So far I’ve seen two Ruddys, one Long Tailed, a handful of Scaup,  and no Goldeneyes. This seems later than usual.

I’m still hanging out at Quiet Waters to avoid the crowds, but I may get over to the Eastern Shore in a day or two. I tried Truxtun Park a couple of days ago, with no luck.

I’ve been wandering around the park a bit, and it’s paying off in Sparrows and Siskins. It seems as though there’s a large group of small birds that wander the park in search of food, and there may be some cool birds among them. So far I’ve found Siskins, Chipping Sparrows and Savannah Sparrows. The light has been a sucky, cloudy gray, so far, but better weather is coming. Are there Crossbills, Redpolls  and Grosbeaks to be found?


Chipping Sparrow 2020-25

Chipping Sparrows seem to be year round residents.

Savannah Sparrow 2020-1

Savannah Sparrwo 2020-4

This is the first Savannah Sparrow I’ve seen at the park. I initially thought it was a Song Sparrow.

White Throated Sparrow 2020-41

White Throated Sparrow 2020-41

White Throated Sparrows are abundant.

Pine Siskin 2020-25

This Pine Siskin seemed to be scratching in the gravel, seeking rocks for its gizzard, perhaps? I’ve seen this often in small birds,

Pine Siskin 2020-26

Pine Siskin 2020-27

When I found this Pine Siskin in the gray, cloudy morning light I thought it was a House Finch. I haven’t seen Siskins in a month, so it was a surprise. This flock may have been quite large.

Chickadee 2020-19

Listen, and You’ll hear Carolina Chickadees

White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-44

White Breasted Nuthatches are handsome and fun to watch.

Goldfinch 2020-21

Goldfinch 2020-22

Goldfinch 2020-23

Goldfinches seem to be doing well.

Ruddy Duck 2020-32

I found this single Ruddy Duck at Thomas Point. Some years there are hundreds at Quiet Waters.

Downy Woodpecker 2020-35 Mourning Dove 2020-102 Song Sparrow 2050-14

Redhead at Thomas Point.

It’s been a very sparse December so far. I’m staying in the immediate area to avoid crowds, which includes some decent birding spots, but the unusually warm weather is slowing the influx of Winter birds (I think). It’s been very cold years that have brought the best birds.

Sandy Point has been quite barren so far, and Thomas Point hasn’t been much better,  Greenbury Point, Possum Point and Jonas Green Park have yet to yield anything interesting, but that may change soon. I did find some distant Scoters and a Loon, but too far out for pics. I’m not crossing the bridge much yet.

This Mallard hen is stretching’s her wings.

An unusual shot, with the Bufflehead’s head under water.

Canvasbacks are just arriving in numbers.

Redheads are very striking.

There seems to be more Buffleheads than usual this year,

A few Lesser Scaup have arrived.

Black Ducks are not numerous, but there’s always a few.

It’s been a good year for Tundra Swans so far.



Tundra Swans at Thomas Point.

When I started this blog in 2012, I found a collared Tundra Swan at Hillsmere Beach,. not far from here. She’s hanging out near Thomas Point, now, and I’ve photographed her in previous years. You never know  how well a given bird will fare in the wild, so it’s always a mild relief to see she’s made it another year.  “She”, because the locals who feed her have nicknamed her “Julia”.

In the last week or so I’ve stayed very local to avoid crowds and keep costs down. The USA is experiencing a large surge, and I suspect obeying the rules is the right way to go.

So, it’s mostly passerines because the ducks are just starting to get here. I’ve been hanging out near the feeders, as there’s not much else going on yet.

Song Sparrow 2020-14

Even the ubiquitous Song Sparrow looks good in the right setting.

White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-39

You can’t help but smile as you watch a White Breasted Nuthatch feed.

Cardinal 2020-29

Cardinal 2020-30

This Cardinal seems especially bright.

Downy Woodpecker 2020-32

Several Downy Woodpeckers show up at the feeders.

Blue Jay 2020-5

I found this Blue Jay near Thomas Point.

Bufflehead 2020-33

Bufflehead 2020-34

There seems to be more Bufflehead than usual this year.

Tundra Swan 2020-48

40-50 Tundra Swans are wintering along Thomas Point Road.

Canvasback 2020-44

Canvasback 2020-46

Canvasbacks are just starting to arrive.

Eastern Bluebird 2020-113

Eastern Bluebird 2020-112

This Bluebird appears to be freshly molted.

Chickadee 2020-18

The song of the Chickadee always announces their presence.

Dark Eyed Junco 2020-9

Dark Eyed Juncos are shy.

Yellow Billed Cuckoo 2020-104

Yellow Rumped Warbler 2020-6

I found this Yellow Rumped Warbler at CBEC.

Black Scoter 2020-1

Several Black Scoters are feeding at Thomas Point.

Hooded Merganser 2020-17

I’ve found several Hooded Mergansers.

Gadwall 2020-2

This Gadwall was at Jonas Green Park.

Canada Goose 2020-107

Many Canada Geese are still in the area.

Tundra Swan 2020-47

This is Julia, the collared Tundra Swan.

Tundra Swan 2020-46 Tundra Swan 2020-44