When I started this blog in 2012, I found a collared Tundra Swan at Hillsmere Beach,. not far from here. She’s hanging out near Thomas Point, now, and I’ve photographed her in previous years. You never know how well a given bird will fare in the wild, so it’s always a mild relief to see she’s made it another year. “She”, because the locals who feed her have nicknamed her “Julia”.
In the last week or so I’ve stayed very local to avoid crowds and keep costs down. The USA is experiencing a large surge, and I suspect obeying the rules is the right way to go.
So, it’s mostly passerines because the ducks are just starting to get here. I’ve been hanging out near the feeders, as there’s not much else going on yet.
Even the ubiquitous Song Sparrow looks good in the right setting.
You can’t help but smile as you watch a White Breasted Nuthatch feed.
This Cardinal seems especially bright.
Several Downy Woodpeckers show up at the feeders.
I found this Blue Jay near Thomas Point.
There seems to be more Bufflehead than usual this year.
40-50 Tundra Swans are wintering along Thomas Point Road.
Canvasbacks are just starting to arrive.
This Bluebird appears to be freshly molted.
The song of the Chickadee always announces their presence.
Dark Eyed Juncos are shy.
I found this Yellow Rumped Warbler at CBEC.
Several Black Scoters are feeding at Thomas Point.
I’ve found several Hooded Mergansers.
This Gadwall was at Jonas Green Park.
Many Canada Geese are still in the area.
This is Julia, the collared Tundra Swan.