July 5, 2012

Brutal heat and humidity continue, so I planned another short day.
I went to the Nature Center at USNA and took a path I hadn’t used previously. I got a few distant shots, and the place has possibilities, but, all-in-all it was a mediocre day. A deer and a rabbit helped break up the day.


Cardinals never disappoint, and this guy was no exception.

House Finch

A small flock of House Finches was feeding from this bush.

Yellow Billed Cuckoo

This is the first Yellow Billed Cuckoo I’ve seen at the Nature Center.

Yellow Breasted Chat

I don ‘t know much about the Yellow Breasted Chat, but there is a large population here.

July 4, 2012

Hot and humid, as usual, so I went out to Possum Point even earlier, hoping to get some good sunrise shots. Sunrise was disappointing, but I got a couple of Bay Bridge shots that were OK.

Wood Duck (Female)

This female Wood Duck is from July3, and it’s the only decent shot I got at my friend’s house in Davidsonville.

Bay Bridge at Dawn

0614, 7/4/2012

Osprey over Possum Point at Dawn

This Osprey is cruising for fish at Possum Point.


I was able to get quite close to this resting Osprey.

Great Blue Heron

I’m more used to seeing Great Blue Herons in the water.

Chesapeake Bay Bridge

Another look at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.

Yellow Breasted Chat

The Nature Center at USNA has a lot of these birds, and their strange call often drowns out most other bird song.


A distant but lovely Cardinal .


I took some distant shots of this Goldfinch, and was able to sneak a bit closer to get this one


Mockingbirds seem to like perching on a tall plant, tree, or artificial construct and proclaiming loudly.

July 2, 2012

I had a doctor’s appointment this morning, so I stuck close to home, starting at Truxtun Park and dropping in quickly at Sandy Point State Park to get the lay of the land. It was, once again, too hot to spend any time there, and it didn’t look very promising;more like a Starling Factory with a few gulls lazing about, and a single Mockingbird dominating the parking lot.

Red Bellied Woodpecker

Another low light shot (ISO 3200). but a very nice looking Red Bellied Woodpecker.

Northern Rough Winged Swallow

I believe this is a juvenile Northern Rough Winged Swallow, but I’m checking on it.


This Beaver swam under the bridge I was standing on a couple of times, living up to the old adage.

Eastern Kingbird

This is the first Eastern Kingbird I’ve seen at Truxtun Park.

Downy Woodpecker

This Downy Woodpecker was elusive and quiet.


Cardinals are common here, but the light was perfect and she posed very nicely.


There were two of these Titmice, travelling together for a while.


These two Titmice investigated the base of this tree together.

Chipping Sparrow

I believe this is a juvenile Chipping Sparrow.


This Mockingbird was clearly in charge of the parking lot, calling loudly and flying back and forth to this perch.

Black Backed Seagull

This Black Backed Seagull was soaking up the Sun near the water’s edge.

Ring Billed Gull

I think this is a Ring Billed Gull.

July 1, 2012

Yet another very hot and humid day, so I went to Possum Point as I knew I’d be quitting early anyway, and I had grocery chores to run.

Sunrise at Possum Point

There’s more to see than birds some days.


Here’s another look at the colorful sunrise.


This Osprey was nicely silhouetted against the morning sky.


This Osprey has caught a very nice striped bass.

Osprey Feeding

The Osprey has spread his wings to maintain his balance, giving us a good look at his impressive size

Bonaparte's Gull

This probably a Bonaparte’s Gull.


This Crow was sharing the same tree, and may have been waiting for leftovers.

Great Crested Flycatcher

This Great Crested Flycatcher was high in a tree overlooking the Point.


It’s hard to pass up a beauty like this Monarch Butterfly.


I moved to the Nature Center after an hour or so, and there were many Goldfinches about.

House Finch

This House Finch landed quite close to me and stayed for a while.