About Hugh


Hooded Mergansers at Quiet Waters.

Yesterday I put $52.00 worth of gas in the car. First time I’ve ever gone over $50.00 on a fill-up. $3.47/gal. That’s slowing me down a bit, but there’s plenty of good birds close to home.

The main attraction has been waterfowl, of course, with  the Thomas Point Swans and ducks in big numbers, but we’ve gotten some thawing recently, so other ducks are showing up in the coves.  The Canvasbacks were largely driven out by the ice for a while.

Possum Point has been largely non-productive, which  is consistent with other places in this too-warm season. Maybe February will bring us some sea ducks.

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Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Gadwalls at Jonas Green Park.

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Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Redhead 2022-8

A dapper Redhead.

Canvasback 2022-16Canvasback 2022-15

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Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Canvasbacks in the South River.



Black Duck 2022-5

A Black Duck was mixing with the other ducks.

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Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Developed using darktable 3.8.0

A hundred or more Tundra Swans are regulars in Winter.

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Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Bufflehead 2022-12

It seems to me there’s more Buffleheads than usual this year.

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Developed using darktable 3.8.0

A few Lesser Scaup always seem to mix with the Canvasbacks

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Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Mallards can be very enthusiastic at times.

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Developed using darktable 3.8.0

There are numerous Crows in every park.

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Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Bluebirds were picking up pebbles off the beach at Jonas Green Park.

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Developed using darktable 3.8.0

This Wood Duck pair seems to be early.

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Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Developed using darktable 3.8.0

Several Hooded Mergansers are sojourning at Quiet Waters and Jonas Green Parks.

Long Tailed Ducks at Jonas Green Park.

Between snow, bitter cold and a painting project, I’ve been a bit homebound lately.

I’m mostly hanging out locally, though I made a couple of unproductive trips to Sandy Point.  Thomas Point has plenty of birds, but some species just haven’t arrived yet.

Bufflehead 2022-10

Bufflehead 2022-5

This Bufflehead was at Thomas Point.

Black Duck 2022-1

Black Duck 2022-4

South end of a diving Black Duck.

Lesser Scaup 2022-3 Lesser Scaup 2022-2

Lesser Scaup 2022-8

Female Lesser Scaup.

Redhead 2022-7

This Redhead was at Thomas Point.

Tundra Swan 2022-21 Tundra Swan 2022-19

Tundra Swan 2022-26

Tundra Swans are doing well this year.

Canvasback 2022-6

Canvasback 2022-12

Hundreds of Canvasbacks are sheltering near Thomas Point.

Long Tailed Duck 2022-6 Long Tailed Duck 2022-5


Long Tailed Duck 2022-7

Long Tailed Ducks are a favorite.

Yellow Rumped Warbler 2022-1

I see Yellow Rumped Warbler in all the parks.

Eastern Bluebirtd 2022-2

This Eastern Bluebird was feeding at Thomas Point.

Red Bellied Woodpecker 2022-1

Red Bellied Woodpeckers can be found in every local park.

Cedar Waxwing 2022-1

Cedar Waxwing 2022-2

A small flock of Cedar Waxwings was feeding at Thomas Point.

Redhead at Thomas Point.

The warm weather is having an effect on our bird population.  Very few winter ducks have arrived and even the sparrows seem to be fewer than usual.  There’s Wood Ducks still lingering at Quiet Waters, and I’m usually shedding clothes by 8:00 AM.

I’m still staying close to home. It costs about $50.00 to fill  the tank now, and my car is a gas hog. I got to Sandy Point once, and it was a waste.

So, here’s the best from the last three weeks or so.

Jonas Green 110

The view from Jonas Green.

Canada Goose 2021-126

Many Canada Geese spend the winter in the bay.

Black Duck 2021-18

Black Ducks are still favoring Thomas Point.

Tundra Swan 2021-127 Tundra Swan 2021-111

Tundra Swan 2021-128

There’s about 100 Tundra Swans in the Thomas Point area.

Bufflehead 2021-92 Bufflehead 2021-77 Bufflehead 2021-79

Bufflehead 2021-96

I think there’s more Buffleheads than usual.

Cedar Waxwing 2021-20

I found a flock of 50, or more Cedar Waxwings at Jonas Green.

Wood Duck 2021-311-

Two or more Wood Ducks are still lingering at Quiet Waters.

White Throated Sparrow 2021-41

White Throated Sparrows are everywhere.

Mallard 2021-75

This barnyard Mallard found her way to Quiet Waters somehow.

Carolina Chickadee 2021-6

Carolina Chickadees are very vocal.

Blue Jay 2021-20

You can often find Blue Jays at Jonas Green.

American Wigeon 2021-5

This American Wigeon was swimming at Thomas Point.

Starling 2020-6

Many Starlings hang out at Thomas Point.

Yellow Rumped Warler 2021-9

Yellow Rumped Warblers used to be more common.

Cedar Waxwing2021-18

Crow 2021-13

There’s a lot of Crows.

Ring Billed Gull 2021-5

Many Ring Billed Gulls are foraging at Sandy Point.

Yellow Bellied Sapsucker 2021-7

This Yellow Bellied Sapsucker was at Quiet Waters.

Hooded Merganser 2021-20

Hooded Merganser 2021-21

A few Hooded Mergansers spend the Winter at Jonas Green.

Song Sparrow 2021-65

This Song Sparrow was at Thomas Point.

Great Blue Heron 2021-161

A Great Blue Heron at Thomas Point.

Gadwall 2021-48

Gadwall 2021-49

These Gadwalls were at Jonas Green.

Lesser Scaup 2021-31

Very few Scaup have been close enough to photograph.

Redhead 2021-33

This is the first Redhead of the season.

American Wigeon at Thomas Point.

It’s been a relatively slow couple of weeks since I posted.  I’ve been making the rounds locally for a while, as I’m not hearing about much elsewhere. Last year we had Siskins and Nuthatches, but no treats so far this season.

Wood Ducks are still at Quiet Waters, Buffleheads and Tundra Swans are well established and White Throated Sparrows are numerous everywhere. I’m still waiting for more Winter ducks, and the Wigeon, a single bird, was a welcome sight.

Cove 35

Cove 32

Quiet Waters Cove.

Northern Pintail 2021-1

Northern Pintail 2021-4

This Northern Pintail was at Bombay Hook.

Great Blue Heron 2021-150

Great Blue Herons appear to be very patient.

Forster's Tern 2021-24

I’ve seen fewer Forster’s Terns this day than usual.

American Avocet 2021-20

American Avocet 2021-21

These American Avocets were at Bombay Hook.

Greater Yellowlegs 2021-43

This is a Greeter Yellowlegs.

Black Duck 2021-13

Black Duck 2021-12

Most Years I can find Black Ducks at Thomas Point.

Great Egret 2021-216

This Great Egret is headed South for the Winter.

Northern Shoveler 2021-7

The Northern is aptly named for his huge beak.

Mallard 2021-66

Mallard 2021-67

The morning light can be magical at times.

Canada Goose 2021-121

Two Canada Geese taking off from Jonas Green Park.

Gadwall 2021-40

I’ve been finding Gadwalls at Jonas Green Park for several years.

Hooded Merganser 2021-14

Hooded Mergansers often visit Jonas Green in the Fall.

Hooded Merganser 2021-12

Northern Harrier 2021-1

This Northern Harrier was foraging at Bombay Hook.

Pied Billed Grebe 2021-4

We should be seeing a few Pied Billed Grebes soon.

Great Egret 2021-218

Double Crested Cormorant 2021-19

Double Crested Cormorants are a common sight.

Bufflehead 2021-68

Dozens of Buffleheads are in the South River.

Cowbird 2021-7

A flock of Cowbirds is feeding in Quiet Waters.

Chipping Sparrow 2021-37

Watch the White Throated Sparrows and you may find the occasional Chipping Sparrow.

Wood Duck 2021-294-

These Wood Ducks seem to be staying a bit late.

Dark Eyed Junco 2020-26

I expect to see more Dark Eyed Juncos soon.

Cardinal 2021-60

Cardinals are plentiful.

White Throated Sparrow 2021-37

Chipping Sparrows are regulars at Quiet Waters.

American Wigeon 2021-3

American Wigeon 2021-4

I found this American Wigeon at Thomas Point.

Wood Ducks at Quiet Waters

The passerines seem to have finished migrating and I’m waiting for the waterfowl. I’ve seen Buffleheads recently, and I heard one report of Swans, so it won’t be much longer.

I’m still going to the same places, with a couple of looks at Terrapin and CBEC, both of which had flooding problems. I’ve tried Sandy Point a couple of times with no luck. It will get better.

Thomas Point  is open now, but there’s not much to see yet. Plenty of Sparrows and Bluebirds, but no ducks or Swans yet. No Eagles, either.

So, these are the best from the last couple of weeks.

Cove 31

Cove 32

Quiet Waters.


Jonas Green 104

Annapolis from Jonas Green Park.

Eastern Bluebird 2020-69

Dark Eyed Junco 2020-23

Fark Eyed Juncos arrived just a few days ago.

Chipping Sparrow 2021-31

Chipping Sparrows seem to be numerous.

Bufflehead 2021-60

I’ve seen only a few Buffleheads so far.

Gadwall 2021-32

Gadwalls are regular visitors at Jonas Green.

Gadwall 2021-38. Blue Jay 2021-19

Great Blue Heron 2021-147

This Great Blue Heron regularly roosts on the Osprey platform.

Double Crested Cormorant 2021-16

I see Double Crested Cormorants often.

White Throated Sparrow 2021-35

I’ve read that White Throated Sparrows are one our most numerous birds.

Goldfinch 2021-13

There are many Goldfinches at Thomas Point.

Canada Goose 2021-118

Many Geese seem to stay the entire Winter.

Red Tailed Hawk 2021-11

I used to see Red Shouldered Hawks more often.

Palm Warbler 2021-15

The last Palm Warbler of the season.

White Breasted Nuthatch 2021-23

White Breasted Nuthatches seem to be thriving.

Blue Jay 2021-16

Many Blue Jays migrated through our area.

ruby crowned kinglet 2021-5

A few Ruby Crowned Kinglets are still in the area.

Mallard 2021-62

I find Mallards in every suitable place I visit.

Black Duck 2021-11

Black Ducks have been regulars at Thomas Point for years.

Hooded Merganser 2021-7

Hooded Mergansers have visited Jonas Green for several years.

Song Sparrow 2021-62

I captured this Song Sparrow in an unusual pose.

Wood Duck 2021-284- Wood Duck 2021-283-

Wood Duck 2021-288-

Wood Duck 2021-287-

Wood Ducks seem to be staying later than usual.

Palm Warbler at Greenbury Point.

We must be getting close to the end of migration, and I’m complaining less than usual.  I’ve been very conservative about where I’ve been going. It’s all local with the exception of the occasional trip across the bridge.  The best nearby marshes are at CBEC  and  Terrapin. The best nearby lake is  Artemesia, but I haven’t been going that far, as the reports are dismal.

The best birds have been at Greenbury Point and the pond at Jonas Green.

We’ll have swans and ducks soon, and I’ll be adding Thomas Point to the list.


Great Blue Heron 2021-143

Great Blue Heron 2021-143

This Great Blue Heron often uses this Osprey nest.

Great Blue Heron 2021-146

This Great Blue Heron often uses this Osprey nest.

Great Blue Heron 2021-146

Common Yellowthroat 2020-15

This young Common Yellowthroat is headed south for the Winter.

Bald Eagle 2021-29

I found three Bald Eagles over Greenbury Point.

White Throated Sparrow 2021-32

White Throated Sparrow 2021-34

White Throated Sparrows are here in large numbers.

Mockingbird 2021-7

There’s usually several Mockingbirds at Greenbury Point.

Yellow Rumped Warler 2021-7

Laerge flocks of Yellow Rumped Warblers are everywhere.

Blue Jay 2021-15

Many Blue Jays are migrating through.

Mallard 2021-58

Mallards frequently visit the Jonas Green Pond.

Canada Goose 2021-116

Canada Geese are also frequent guests.

Eastern Bluebird 2020-67

This Easter Bluebird was at Greenbury Point.

Eastern Towhee 2021-3

Eastern Towhees are heading south.

Eastern Phoebe 2021-12

Many Eastern Phoebes are in the area.

Red Bellied Woodpecker 2021-21

Red Bellied woodpeckers are present in just about every place I visit.

Cooper's Hawk 2021-8Cardinal 2021-59

Savannah Sparrow 2021-2

This Savannah Sparrow was at Greenbury Point.

Wood Duck 2021-275-

Wood Ducks did well this year at Jonas Green.

Palm Warbler 2021-13

This Palm Warbler is headed to Central America.


Black Bellied Plover at Bombay Hook.

It’s been a couple of weeks since I posted. It was quite slow for a while, but migration  is in full swing now, and I’m actually finding the occasional warbler.

A trip to Bombay Hook with Graeme was a treat a few days ago.

I got to CBEC again, and Terrapin, but  mostly I’ve stuck to Greenbury, Jonas Green and Quiet Waters.

Visitor Center 3

Quiet Waters garden.

Visitor Center 2

The fountain at Quiet Waters Park.

Magnolia Warbler 2021-3

This Magnolia Warbler was at Granbury Point .

Tricolored Heron 2021-180

A solitary Tricolored Heron at Bombay Hook.

Cardinal 2021-56

Cardinal 2021-58

I see a lot of Cardinals.


Black Throated Blue Warbler 2021-3

The Black Throated Blue Warbler is one of my favorites.

Indigo Bunting 2021-12

This is a juvenile Indigo Bunting.

Goldfinch 2021-11

This female American Goldfinch may spend the Winter at Greenbury Point.

ruby crowned kinglet 2021-3

Many Ruby Crowned Kinglets are passing through.

Carolina Wren 2021-20

Carolina Wrens are audible throughout the area.

Brown Thrasher 2021-13

Brown Thrashers have impressive tails.

Wood Duck 2021-272-

The Jonas Green Wood Ducks are thriving.

Red Eyed Vireo 2021-9

Red Eyed Vireos are heading South.

Red Bellied Woodpecker 2021-16

There’s always a few Red Bellied Woodpeckers around.

Ovenbird 2020-2


Ovenbird 2021-1

This Ovenbird was a surprise, as I haven’t seen many.

Catbird 2021-8

Many Catbirds have been around for a week.

Commin Gallinule 2021-3

This Common Gallinule was hard to pick out in the reeds.

Red Winged Blackbird 2020-10

A female Red Winged Blackbird posed nicely.

Mute Swan 2021-3

We saw 6 Mute Swans at Bombay Hook.

Roseate Spoonbill 2021-8

Roseate Spoonbill 2021-10

Roseate Spoonbills have been seen in several MD parks.

Wild Turkey 2021-3

We followed a small flock of Wild Turkeys for a while.

Turkey Vulture 2021-5

This Turkey Vulture is drying his wings.

Peregrine Falcon 2021-1

Peregrine Falcons seem to like Bombay Hook.

Great Egret 2021-206

There wer dozens of Great Egrets at Bombay Hook.

Bobolink 2021-2

I haven’t seen Bobolinks in a few years.

Dunlin 2021-7

So far, I’ve only seen Dunlins at Bombay Hook.


Rose Breasted Grosbeak 2021-0

The Rose Breasted Grosbeak is another bird I’ve seen rarely.

Double Crested Cormorant 2021-13

I’ve e been seeing more Double Crested Cormorants at Possum Point.

Black Bellied Plover 2021-1

This is the first Black Bellied Plover I’ve seen.

Pine Warbler at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

I’ve been staying close to home lately, with a couple of trips to Wooton and CBEC that didn’t really pay off. I had better luck today.

The pond at Jonas Green Park has been busy, with many Wood Duck fledglings and a few Herons and Egrets. Quiet Waters has been underwhelming. It may pick up now that a few Warblers are being seen.

My new camera gear has arrived and I’ve been learning how best to use it. I believe I’ll be getting some better shots now. Thanks to everyone who helped.

Snowy Egret 2021-148

Snowy Egrets have been numerous this year.

Great Blue Heron 2021-132

I’m seeing fewer Great Blue Herons than usual.


Chipping Sparrow 2021-24

Chipping Sparrows have returned to Quiet Waters Park..

Wood Duck 2021-222 Wood Duck 2021-224 Wood Duck 2021-218

Wood Duck 2021-216

Wood Ducks are doing well in the pond at Jonas Green.

Great Blue Heron 2021-131

This Great Blue Heron was fishing at Possum Point.

Chipping Sparrow 2021-23

This is a juvenile Chipping Sparrow.

House Sparrow 2021-11

Jonas Green is home to dozens of House Sparrows.

Palm Warbler 2021-3

This Palm Warbler was visiting Jonas Green Park.

House Wren 2021-3

I found this House Wren at Greenbury Point, where he may stay the Winter.


Carolina Chickadee 2021-4

I hear Chickadees more often that I see them.

Indigo Bunting 2021-8

Indigo Bunting 2021-9

This female Indigo Bunting is headed south.

Brown Thrasher 2021-10

Brown Thrasher 2021-11

Brown Thrashers are moving south for the Winter.

Common Yellowthroat 2020-6

I probably miss a lot of Common Yellowthroats because their song is so quiet.

Yellow Billed Cuckoo 2021-1

Yellow Billed Cuckoos are another bird more often heard than seen.

Eastern Wood Peewee 2021-1

I see a few Eastern Wood Peewees every year.

Pine Warbler 2021-5

Pine Warblers are seen every year at CBEC.

Magnolia Warbler at Greenbury Point.

Warblers! I’m seeing a few migrants now, although I suppose most of the birds are migrants now, including the Egrets at Jonas Green,

In addition to the Magnolia, there were Redstarts, Vireos and Gnatcatchers, but mot many photo opps.

The Jonas Green Egrets have been posing well, but the Quiet Waters birds have been few and far between so far.

Possum Point 243

Possum Point 242

Sunrise at Possum Point.


Great Egret 2021-165 Great Egret 2021-163 Great Egret 2021-168 Great Egret 2021-161 Great Egret 2021-157 Great Egret 2021-155 Great Egret 2021-147 (2) Great Egret 2021-145 Great Egret 2021-143 Great Egret 2021-140 Great Egret 2021-147

Great Egret 2021-139

It’s a little unusual to have so many Egrets in this pond.

Snowy Egret 2021-142 Snowy Egret 2021-141

Snowy Egret 2021-143

There’s more Snowy Egrets than Great Egrets in the pond.

Wood Duck 2021-182

Wood DUcks seem to do very well in this pond.

Orchard Oriole 2021-4


Orchard Oriole 2021-5

This is a migrating Orchard Oriole.

Chipping Sparrow 2021-21

Chipping Sparrow 2021-1

Chipping Sparrows seem to be everywhere.

Cowbird 2021-6

A small flock of Brown Headed Cowbirds passed through Quiet Waters.

Magnolia Warbler 2021-1

This Magnolia Warbler was a treat to find.

Caterpillar 237

‘Tis the season of caterpillars.

Garden Spider 4

This Garden Spider was hunting at Quiet Waters.

Snowy Egrets at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

The water level has returned to normal at Lake Knapp, and the waterfowl bonanza has diminished greatly. There were still plenty of Egrets, but the Herons and Sandpipers are about gone.

CBEC has plenty of other birds, of course, but they also have a vast richness in biting insects at times.

I made  stops at Jonas Green Park, Terrapin, Wooton and Quiet Waters as well.  Warblers soon come.

My Fund Raiser to replace my dead camera continues. Thank you.

Go Fund Me


CBEC Dawn.

Least Sandpiper 2021-19 Least Sandpiper 2021-17

Least Sandpiper 2021-20

These Least Sandpipers are travelling in large flocks.

Greater Yellowlegs 2021-27

Greater Yellowlegs 2021-29

Several Greater Yellowlegs were searching the perimeter of the lake.

Snowy Egret 2021-126 Snowy Egret 2021-122 Snowy Egret 2021-125 Snowy Egret 2021-124


Snowy Egret 2021-127

Snowy Egrets outnumbered the other water birds.

Tricolored Heron 2021-172

There were many Tricolored Herons.

Great Egret 2021-130

There were 20 or more Great Egrets every day.

Great Egret 2021-131

Forster's Tern 2021-22

Forster’s Terns seem to visit every day.