Snowy Egrets at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

The water level has returned to normal at Lake Knapp, and the waterfowl bonanza has diminished greatly. There were still plenty of Egrets, but the Herons and Sandpipers are about gone.

CBEC has plenty of other birds, of course, but they also have a vast richness in biting insects at times.

I made  stops at Jonas Green Park, Terrapin, Wooton and Quiet Waters as well.  Warblers soon come.

My Fund Raiser to replace my dead camera continues. Thank you.

Go Fund Me


CBEC Dawn.

Least Sandpiper 2021-19 Least Sandpiper 2021-17

Least Sandpiper 2021-20

These Least Sandpipers are travelling in large flocks.

Greater Yellowlegs 2021-27

Greater Yellowlegs 2021-29

Several Greater Yellowlegs were searching the perimeter of the lake.

Snowy Egret 2021-126 Snowy Egret 2021-122 Snowy Egret 2021-125 Snowy Egret 2021-124


Snowy Egret 2021-127

Snowy Egrets outnumbered the other water birds.

Tricolored Heron 2021-172

There were many Tricolored Herons.

Great Egret 2021-130

There were 20 or more Great Egrets every day.

Great Egret 2021-131

Forster's Tern 2021-22

Forster’s Terns seem to visit every day.