Warblers! I’m seeing a few migrants now, although I suppose most of the birds are migrants now, including the Egrets at Jonas Green,
In addition to the Magnolia, there were Redstarts, Vireos and Gnatcatchers, but mot many photo opps.
The Jonas Green Egrets have been posing well, but the Quiet Waters birds have been few and far between so far.

Sunrise at Possum Point.

It’s a little unusual to have so many Egrets in this pond.

There’s more Snowy Egrets than Great Egrets in the pond.

Wood DUcks seem to do very well in this pond.

This is a migrating Orchard Oriole.

Chipping Sparrows seem to be everywhere.

A small flock of Brown Headed Cowbirds passed through Quiet Waters.

This Magnolia Warbler was a treat to find.

‘Tis the season of caterpillars.

This Garden Spider was hunting at Quiet Waters.