The warm weather is having an effect on our bird population. Very few winter ducks have arrived and even the sparrows seem to be fewer than usual. There’s Wood Ducks still lingering at Quiet Waters, and I’m usually shedding clothes by 8:00 AM.
I’m still staying close to home. It costs about $50.00 to fill the tank now, and my car is a gas hog. I got to Sandy Point once, and it was a waste.
So, here’s the best from the last three weeks or so.
The view from Jonas Green.
Many Canada Geese spend the winter in the bay.
Black Ducks are still favoring Thomas Point.
There’s about 100 Tundra Swans in the Thomas Point area.
I think there’s more Buffleheads than usual.
I found a flock of 50, or more Cedar Waxwings at Jonas Green.
Two or more Wood Ducks are still lingering at Quiet Waters.
White Throated Sparrows are everywhere.
This barnyard Mallard found her way to Quiet Waters somehow.
Carolina Chickadees are very vocal.
You can often find Blue Jays at Jonas Green.
This American Wigeon was swimming at Thomas Point.
Many Starlings hang out at Thomas Point.
Yellow Rumped Warblers used to be more common.
There’s a lot of Crows.
Many Ring Billed Gulls are foraging at Sandy Point.
This Yellow Bellied Sapsucker was at Quiet Waters.
A few Hooded Mergansers spend the Winter at Jonas Green.
This Song Sparrow was at Thomas Point.
A Great Blue Heron at Thomas Point.
These Gadwalls were at Jonas Green.
Very few Scaup have been close enough to photograph.
This is the first Redhead of the season.