I tried for more sunrises at Possum Point, and got a couple, then a few gulls and Ospreys, but not much else.
I’d heard there were some gulls at Jonas Green Park, and I found a flock of 30 or so Bonaparte’s Gulls and a warbler.
Quiet Waters is still the best place, so I spent a couple of hours there and got a few decent shots.

“It was morning, and the new sun sparkled gold across the ripples of a gentle sea.” ― Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Horned Grebes are still plentiful.

There’s usually a Mallard in my favorite Quiet Waters cove.

Ospreys are thriving around the Chesapeake Bay.

This is the first House Finch I’ve seen in a while.

This Yellow Rumped Warbler always seems to be in the same area at Jonas Green Park.

I usually skip Starlings, but this flight shot came out OK.

This Downy Woodpecker was feeding at Quiet Water.

A small, graceful gull with bright white patches in its wings, the Bonaparte’s Gull winters near people, but breeds in the isolated taiga and boreal forest.