I started at Governor Bridge today, in hopes of finding some early migrants, but had no luck at all.
Quiet Waters was my next stop, and it was slow also, but I had about an hour of decent activity. It was warm enough, but very windy, which may have slowed the birds down a bit.

This is an 11 x 19 print of one of the images I’m selling.

This Turtle is a sure sign of Spring.

This Beaver greeted me at Governor Bridge.

This Bufflehead hen was foraging solo in the cove.

There were several Horned Grebes paddling in and around the cove.

This Osprey was actually bathing, which I’ve never seen before.

When Ospreys fish in the cove you can sometimes get very close.

I found this Chickadee yesterday at Possum Point.

I don’t often see Double Crested Cormorants in the cove.