The weather was much better today, warmer and far less wind, ‘though it did pick up about 11:00.
I had decided yesterday to head back to CBEC to examine it more thoroughly, and that turned out to be a good decision. I often dither about this problem, so it was nice to have a firm destination.
Ducks were more numerous, and I found a Grebe as well as a Tree Swallow. I also ran into some regulars (Hi, Polly et. al.) who gave me some good tips on birding the area.
This handsome Tree Swallow was perched on the wires along the entrance road.
This Red Tailed Hawk was also perched along the entrance road.
This Horned Grebe was by himself, like all such birds I’ve seen so far.
This Great Blue Heron was loudly disturbed that I interrupted his fishing.
This is the same Osprey with the missing foot that I saw yesterday.
Ring Billed Gulls are so common I often pass them by, but this guy posed well.
Polly and her sons told me where to find these Green Winged Teals.
This Song Sparrow was foraging along the marsh trail.
The Rabbits here are as tame as they are at Terrapin Nature Park.
This Red Tailed Hawk was flying over one of the ponds.
I heard Bluebirds singing in most parts of the park.
Bald Eagles are unmistakable, even at a distance.