I’d hate to be a weatherman around here. Predictions were all over the map, so I did some chores and helped out a friend with a computer project before heading to Quiet Waters and Truxtun Park to see what I could find.
There was plenty of Sun (and wind) for a while, and I got a few good images before the darkening skies convinced me to quit.
This Red Bellied Woodpecker seemed unusually colorful, with extensive red on his belly.
This Great Blue Heron is often perched on this log in the corner of a cove in Quiet Waters.
This Downy Woodpecker flew to several trees before posing for me.
This Cardinal was singing loudly and at length.
This the first time I’ve seen a female Red Breasted Merganser alone.
I haven’t seen a Yellow Rumped Warbler in a while.
The female Bluebird is somewhat less colorful than the male.
Cooper’s Hawks are reliable visitors to Truxtun Park.