I awoke to Spring-like weather and eagerly set out to find a Snipe reported in Odenton. I didn’t find it, but a trio of Wood Ducks was a nice consolation prize. I also stopped at my friend Emily’s spot near Rte. 3 and then proceeded to Patuxent NWR, wher I got a look at the Trumpeter Swan that’s been reported for the last couple of weeks. An excellent day, and I can’t wait for tomorrow!
The hen is very subdued compared to the drake.
These Northern Pintails are accompanied by a pair of Northern Shovelers.
These Canada Geese are having a morning siesta.
Several people had trailered their horses to Patuxent NWR for a ride.
I haven’t seen many Ring Necked Ducks
This may be a Trumpeter Swan. I’m waiting for an expert opinion.
Gotta’ keep my sister happy.
This Great Blue Heron was feeding with the Pintails.