At last, a mostly sunny day, but very windy and cold. Temps were in the low 30s, and the wind was gusting well over 20 knots.
Thomas Point was just too damn cold and windy, so I took a few shots and headed to Quiet Waters, where there was more shelter from the wind. The wind eventually died down a bit, but it continued cold. With the Sun, it was bearable.
I saw two different Mergansers, several species of ducks and miscellaneous birds for a good morning overall.
At one point, two small flocks of small red birds flew over, but I wasn’t able to locate them.

Look at the water surrounding this Lesser Scaup to get an idea of the wind and cold.

This Long Tailed Duck is almost lost in the waves.

The wind speed was much lower at Quiet Waters, and these Lesser Scaup look much more comfortable.

This Great Blue Heron was fishing on the opposite shore.

I see Mallards at most places I go.

It’s not unusual to see Herring Gulls hanging out with the ducks.l

I haven’t seem many Red Breasted Mergansers. so this pair was a nice surprise.

Buffleheads are often mixed in with the Lesser Scaup.

When I returned to the truck, a flock of Bluebirds was foraging in the trees.

This Mockingbird was eating right alongside the Bluebirds.

A flock of Goldfinches was very active also.

I saw this Hooded Merganser in a small cove through the trees and was able to sneak up on him, as they are very sktittish.

This Red Bellied Woodpecker has found a seed.

A little luck got this Cooper’s Hawk.