Yesterday I spent about three hours at Terrapin Nature Park, mostly to no avail. Some small birds and Canada Geese were about, but there were virtually no ducks, and the one Eagle I saw didn’t stick around long enough for a photo.
I had planned to stay in today, but there was some Sun for a while, so I took a chance and stopped by Jonas Green Park and Greenbury Point. The results were somewhat better, but I wouldn’t call it a successful day.

A large flock of Canada Geese was sleeping in the marsh pond, along with a few gulls.

This Belted Kingfisher was looking for lunch.

The Song Sparrows at Jonas Green Park are always happy to pose for me.

This lone Bufflehead was the only duck I saw at Jonas Green.

This Great Blue Heron took off as I approached, and I did well to get this shot.

I saw this decoy at the boat ramp at Possum Point, and, for a moment, I thought I had something new.

This Red Bellied Woodpecker picked a colorful place to perch.