Another sunny but cold day, so I set out for Fort Smallwood to find the White Winged Crossbills that have been reported several times. Annapolis is not in its Winter range, so it would be a nice find. I got lucky. I also stopped at Thomas Point to see what ducks might be in residence, but didn’t find anything spectacular.

This female Lesser Scaup was enjoying a morning swim.

I often see Buffleheads in small groups.

I don’t often bother with gulls any more, but they are very graceful in flight.,

I think this is a Song Sparrow, but I’m checking.

This is a male.
“A medium-sized finch of the boreal forest, the White-winged Crossbill is adapted for extracting seeds from the cones of coniferous trees. It moves large distances between years tracking the cone crop from place to place.”

The “Crossbill” is clear in this photo.

This is a female.

I’ve always got time for a Red Bellied Woodpecker.

You have to admire the agility of the Downy Woodpecker.