About Hugh


Sparrows at Quiet Waters Park.

Where are the ducks? So far I’ve seen two Ruddys, one Long Tailed, a handful of Scaup,  and no Goldeneyes. This seems later than usual.

I’m still hanging out at Quiet Waters to avoid the crowds, but I may get over to the Eastern Shore in a day or two. I tried Truxtun Park a couple of days ago, with no luck.

I’ve been wandering around the park a bit, and it’s paying off in Sparrows and Siskins. It seems as though there’s a large group of small birds that wander the park in search of food, and there may be some cool birds among them. So far I’ve found Siskins, Chipping Sparrows and Savannah Sparrows. The light has been a sucky, cloudy gray, so far, but better weather is coming. Are there Crossbills, Redpolls  and Grosbeaks to be found?


Chipping Sparrow 2020-25

Chipping Sparrows seem to be year round residents.

Savannah Sparrow 2020-1

Savannah Sparrwo 2020-4

This is the first Savannah Sparrow I’ve seen at the park. I initially thought it was a Song Sparrow.

White Throated Sparrow 2020-41

White Throated Sparrow 2020-41

White Throated Sparrows are abundant.

Pine Siskin 2020-25

This Pine Siskin seemed to be scratching in the gravel, seeking rocks for its gizzard, perhaps? I’ve seen this often in small birds,

Pine Siskin 2020-26

Pine Siskin 2020-27

When I found this Pine Siskin in the gray, cloudy morning light I thought it was a House Finch. I haven’t seen Siskins in a month, so it was a surprise. This flock may have been quite large.

Chickadee 2020-19

Listen, and You’ll hear Carolina Chickadees

White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-44

White Breasted Nuthatches are handsome and fun to watch.

Goldfinch 2020-21

Goldfinch 2020-22

Goldfinch 2020-23

Goldfinches seem to be doing well.

Ruddy Duck 2020-32

I found this single Ruddy Duck at Thomas Point. Some years there are hundreds at Quiet Waters.

Downy Woodpecker 2020-35 Mourning Dove 2020-102 Song Sparrow 2050-14

Redhead at Thomas Point.

It’s been a very sparse December so far. I’m staying in the immediate area to avoid crowds, which includes some decent birding spots, but the unusually warm weather is slowing the influx of Winter birds (I think). It’s been very cold years that have brought the best birds.

Sandy Point has been quite barren so far, and Thomas Point hasn’t been much better,  Greenbury Point, Possum Point and Jonas Green Park have yet to yield anything interesting, but that may change soon. I did find some distant Scoters and a Loon, but too far out for pics. I’m not crossing the bridge much yet.

This Mallard hen is stretching’s her wings.

An unusual shot, with the Bufflehead’s head under water.

Canvasbacks are just arriving in numbers.

Redheads are very striking.

There seems to be more Buffleheads than usual this year,

A few Lesser Scaup have arrived.

Black Ducks are not numerous, but there’s always a few.

It’s been a good year for Tundra Swans so far.



Tundra Swans at Thomas Point.

When I started this blog in 2012, I found a collared Tundra Swan at Hillsmere Beach,. not far from here. She’s hanging out near Thomas Point, now, and I’ve photographed her in previous years. You never know  how well a given bird will fare in the wild, so it’s always a mild relief to see she’s made it another year.  “She”, because the locals who feed her have nicknamed her “Julia”.

In the last week or so I’ve stayed very local to avoid crowds and keep costs down. The USA is experiencing a large surge, and I suspect obeying the rules is the right way to go.

So, it’s mostly passerines because the ducks are just starting to get here. I’ve been hanging out near the feeders, as there’s not much else going on yet.

Song Sparrow 2020-14

Even the ubiquitous Song Sparrow looks good in the right setting.

White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-39

You can’t help but smile as you watch a White Breasted Nuthatch feed.

Cardinal 2020-29

Cardinal 2020-30

This Cardinal seems especially bright.

Downy Woodpecker 2020-32

Several Downy Woodpeckers show up at the feeders.

Blue Jay 2020-5

I found this Blue Jay near Thomas Point.

Bufflehead 2020-33

Bufflehead 2020-34

There seems to be more Bufflehead than usual this year.

Tundra Swan 2020-48

40-50 Tundra Swans are wintering along Thomas Point Road.

Canvasback 2020-44

Canvasback 2020-46

Canvasbacks are just starting to arrive.

Eastern Bluebird 2020-113

Eastern Bluebird 2020-112

This Bluebird appears to be freshly molted.

Chickadee 2020-18

The song of the Chickadee always announces their presence.

Dark Eyed Junco 2020-9

Dark Eyed Juncos are shy.

Yellow Billed Cuckoo 2020-104

Yellow Rumped Warbler 2020-6

I found this Yellow Rumped Warbler at CBEC.

Black Scoter 2020-1

Several Black Scoters are feeding at Thomas Point.

Hooded Merganser 2020-17

I’ve found several Hooded Mergansers.

Gadwall 2020-2

This Gadwall was at Jonas Green Park.

Canada Goose 2020-107

Many Canada Geese are still in the area.

Tundra Swan 2020-47

This is Julia, the collared Tundra Swan.

Tundra Swan 2020-46 Tundra Swan 2020-44

White Crowned Sparrow at Quiet Waters.

I’m still doing feeder watch at Quiet Waters.  We’ve got a virus surge going on, and it’s not usually crowded, especially during the week.

I’m seeing the same birds as a few days ago. I did see a large (25) flock of Goldfinches once, and a flyover Bald Eagle and Great Blue Heron, and a few Buffleheads, but the winter ducks just aren’t here yet. I’ll be getting to Thomas Point soon, but the potholes are too numerous  right now. Repairs are scheduled.

We’re getting really warm weather, which is probably messing with the birds’ instincts, so it might get interesting.

Pine Siskin 2020-22 Pine Siskin 2020-18 Pine Siskin 2020-17

Pine Siskin 2020-23

This year’s irruption of Pine Siskins has been good to me. I last saw one 6-7 years ago.

Tufted Titmouse 2020-11

There’s probably 6-8 Tufted Titmice hanging out near the feeder.

White Throated Sparrow 2020-29 White Throated Sparrow 2020-18

White Throated Sparrow 2020-21

Several White Throated Sparrows are living in a nearby bush.

White Crowned Sparrow 2020-15 White Crowned Sparrow 2020-13 White Crowned Sparrow 2020-12 White Crowned Sparrow 2020-1` White Crowned Sparrow 2020-11 White Crowned Sparrow 2020-10 White Crowned Sparrow 2020-9 White Crowned Sparrow 2020-8

White Crowned Sparrow 2020-16

A juvenile White-crowned Sparrow is also sharing the bush. It’s possible there’s only one of these guys.

Song Sparrow 2020-9

A Song Sparrow is also sharing the nearby bush. One advantage of birding the same spot for a time is that you can get to see who’s who and who’s where.

White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-28 White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-27 White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-26 White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-25

White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-29

I’ve spent some effort trying to get good shots of the White Breasted Nuthatches.

Downy Woodpecker 2020-28

Downy Woodpecker 2020-27

Feeder birds allow for closeups, sometimes.

Downy Woodpecker 2020-26

Downy Woodpecker 2020-29

Downy Woodpeckers often appear to be fearless.

Red Bellied Woodpecker 2020-4

Red Bellied Woodpecker 2020-5

A Red Bellied Woodpecker has been visiting.

Eastern Bluebird 2020-109 Eastern Bluebird 2020-108

Eastern Bluebird 2020-110

I’ve heard Bluebirds in the area often but they don’t usually get this close.

House Finch 2020-10 House Finch 2020-8 House Finch 2020-9

House Finch 2020-11

I’ve seen only a few House Finches.

Cowbird 2020-1

A pair of Cowbirds visited briefly.

Crow 2020-103

Crow 2020-102

Several Crows were present when I arrived, and I was able to get fairly close.

Carolina Wren 2020-24 Carolina Wren 2020-23

Carolina Wren 2020-25

This Carolina Wren has been consistently silent.

Chickadee 2020-11

Several Chickadees are regular visitors.

White Breasted Nuthatch at Quiet Waters Park.

I last posted about a week ago. The weather has been good enough, and I found a few decent birds, so it was a good week. One interesting thing about the pandemic is that many of my favorite spots are seeing a lot more traffic. Not a big problem so far.

Siskins and Nuthatches are still around. Otherwise, it’s just the regulars, although a few Tundra Swans have arrived. No decent images yet. It was way windy today, and the swans were somewhat distant.

I’m still staking out the feeder after checking for ducks, who should be in the area soon.

Cardinal 2020-22

A few Cardinals came and went.

Cardinal 2020-19

Cardinal 2020-21

A very striking Cardinal. If you can find a good place to stand, you can get some awesome close ups at a feeder.

Tuftef Titmousr 2020-7 Tuftef Titmousr 2020-6

Tufted Titmouse 2020-8

Another closeup. Tufted Titmouse.

Downy Woodpecker 2020-24

Downy Woodpecker 2020-25

Downy Woodpeckers are attracted to feeders.

Red Bellied Woodpecker 2020-2

This Red Bellied Woodpecker stayed in the area, but I didn’t see him at the feeder.

White Throated Sparrow 2020-16 White Throated Sparrow 2020-15 White Throated Sparrow 2020-14 White Throated Sparrow 2020-13 White Throated Sparrow 2020-12

White Throated Sparrow 2020-17

White Throated Sparrows seem to feed only on the ground.

Carolina Wren 2020-19 Carolina Wren 2020-18 Carolina Wren 2020-17 Carolina Wren 2020-16

Carolina Wren 2020-22

Carolina Wrens are not particularly timid.

Eastern Bluebird 2020-106

Eastern Bluebird 2020-107

Bluebirds will come to a feeder if you have mealworms.

House Finch 2020-5

A few House Finches are in the area.

House Finch 2020-6

Red Breasted Nuthatch 2020-10 Red Breasted Nuthatch 2020-11

Red Breasted Nuthatch 2020-9

This Red Breasted Nuthatch was by himself.

Pine Siskin 2020-14

Pine Siskin 2020-14

How long will the Pine Siskins stay around?

Goldfinch 2020-19

A Goldfinch and a Siskin share a moment.

Yellow Billed Cuckoo 2020-102

This Yellow Rumped Warbler was at Sandy Point.

Dark Eyed Junco 2020-8

I expect to start seeing more Dark Eyed Juncos soon.

Starling 2020-3

A Starling in good light can be attractive.

Great Egret 2020-259

This late Great Egret was at CBEC.

White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-21 White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-20 White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-19 White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-18

White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-23

It’s always a treat to see these handsome birds forage upside down.

Pine Siskins at Quiet Waters Park.

It’s that slow time of year again, when the ducks haven’t arrived and Fall migration is about over. People are finding a few good birds, but mostly it’s just the regulars. I’ve been hanging out at Sandy Point, Quiet Waters and Greenbury Point. I made a single stop at Thomas Point, where the road is badly in need of repair.

Thankfully, we’re in the midst of an irruption of Siskins RB Nuthatches and Evening Grosbeaks. I got the QW ranger to fill up their feeder (They lost their regular feeder filler) and it seemed like only minutes until the first Siskins showed up. Lots of Goldfinches, Titmice, Chickadees and a Red Breasted Nuthatch were eating as well.

So, I’ve of lots of feeder images, and images of birds approaching the feeder so the feeders don’t always show in the picture. It alway feels a little like cheating to stake out a feeder, but I did get a few good pictures.

White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-12

White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-17

White Breasted Nuthatches also like feeders.

White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-16 White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-15 White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-12 White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-14

White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-13

White Breasted Nuthatches will readily come to a feeder.

Pine Siskin 2020-2 Pine Siskin 2020-1 Pine Siskin 2020-8 Pine Siskin 2020-9 Dark Eyed Junco 2020-6 Pine Siskin 2020-7 Pine Siskin 2020-6 Pine Siskin 2020-5 Pine Siskin 2020-4

Pine Siskin 2020-3

Small flocks of Pine Siskins can empty a feeder very quickly..

Bufflehead 2020-16

These Buffleheads were near Thomas Point.

Tundra Swan 2020-39

Two Tundra Swans have arrived for the Winter.

Carolina Wren 2020-15

This Carolina Wren seems to have a fresh coat of feathers.

Carolina Wren 2020-16

This Carolina Wren landed quite close to me.

Chickadee 2020-9

Carolina Chickadees can always be found by their song.

Tuftef Titmousr 2020-2

Tuftef Titmousr 2020-5

Many Tufted Titmice were using the feeder.

Chickadee 2020-7

Carolina Wren 2020-15

This Carolina Wren seems to have a fresh coat of feathers.

Downy Woodpecker 2020-19 Downy Woodpecker 2020-18 Downy Woodpecker 2020-17 Downy Woodpecker 2020-16 Downy Woodpecker 2020-15 Downy Woodpecker 2020-14

Downy Woodpecker 2020-20

Downy Woodpeckers will readily come to feeders.

Red Breasted Nuthatch 2020-8

Red Breasted Nuthatch 2020-7

A single Red Breasted Nuthatch showed up this morning.


Dark Eyed Junco 2020-5

Dark Eyed Juncos were foraging on the ground.

Cardinal 2020-18

Only a few Cardinals seem to visit this feeder.

House Finch at Greenbury Point.

It’s that slow time of year again, when the ducks haven’t arrived and migration is winding down. There’s an irruption of Siskins and Grosbeaks in the area, but I haven’t seen anything yet.

I’ve been doing the same rounds-Sandy Point, Possum Point, Jonas Green, Quiet Waters, with a single trip to Truxtun Park . I’m planning to give Artemesia a try tomorrow. I’ve been avoiding it as it was getting too crowded, so we’ll see what happens.

No really cool birds this week, just a trickle of the regulars.  I’d say the Royal Terns were my favorites.

Carolina Wren 2020-13

Walk outside anywhere in MD and you may hear a Carolina Wren.

Carolina Wren 2020-14

Carolina Wren on the feeder at Quiet Waters.

Gadwall 2020-1

Gadwall at Jonas Green Park.

Song Sparrow 2020-8

Song Sparrow, also at Jonas Green.

Downy Woodpecker 2020-13

Downy Woodpecker, Jonas Green Park.

House Sparrow 2020-1

House Sparrow. There are many at Jonas Green.

House Finch 2020-3

House Finch 2020-4

This House Finch lives at Greenbury Point.

House Wren 2020-7

Yelloe Rumped Warbler 2020-3

A single Yellow Rumped Warbler at Greenbury Point.

Goldfinch 2020-15

Goldfinch 2020-16

Fall Goldfinch.

Turkey Vulture 2020-3

One of the many Turkey Vultures that patrol our skies.

Cardinal 2020-15

Cardinal 2020-16

Colorful Fall Cardinal.

Chipping Sparrow 2020-22

Many Chipping Sparrows live in the foliage along the trail.

Bluebirds 2020-2

Eastern Bluebirds are becoming more numerous.

Horned Grebe 2020-1

I’ve seen a couple of Horned Grebes this week.

Song Sparrow 2020-7

Song Sparrows are the most common Sparrow I see.

Carolina Wren 2020-12

Tundra Swan 2020-38

Several Tuftef Titmice posed for me.

ring billed gull 2020-2

A Ring Billed Gull from Sandy point.

Double Crested Cormorant 2020-6

A Double Crested Cormorant takes off.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet 2020-15

A few Ruby Crowned Kinglets are still around.

Royal Tern 2020-2

Royal Tern 2020-1

A few Royal Terns are hanging out at Sandy Point.

Red Breasted Nuthatch 2020-6

This Red Breasted Nuthatch was at Greenbury Point.

White Winged Scoter at Sandy Point State Park.

It’s been another relatively slow two weeks. I’ve continued visiting Greenbury Point and other local places, which have been getting noticeably crowded.  The weather has held, but migrants have been hard to find. Palm Warblers and Kinglets were the most numerous.

I’ve managed to get out almost every day, and I added Amberly and Sandy Point to the rota. Sandy Point has been largeley disappointing, but the Scoter is cool.

I may go to CBEC tomorrow, as I’ve heard there are some good finds available there.


Downy Woodpecker 2020-12

This Downy Woodpecker was feeding at Quiet Waters.


Savannah Sparrow 2020-2

A Savanna Sparrow was foraging at Greenbury Point.

White Throated Sparrow 2020-11

White Throated Sparrows will be with us until Spring.

Palm Warbler 2020-8

Palm Warbler 2020-9

I saw many more Palm Warblers than usual.

Cardinal 2020-14

A bright Cardinal is a treat for the eye.

Eastern Phoebe 2020-7

Eastern Phoebes are still passing through.

Yellow Rumped Warbler 2020-2

Yellow Rumps will be our only common warbler until Spring.

Eastern Towhee 2020-4

I saw a flock of Eastern Towhees at Greenbury Point.

White Breasted Nuthatch 2020-11

These birds spend a lot of time upside-down.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet 2020-11

Large flocks of Ruby Crowned Kinglets have been present in most places I visit.

Chickadee 2020-6

Carolina Chickadee at the Quiet Waters feeder.

Mourning Dove 2020-101

Mourning Dove at Quiet WAters.

Blue Jay 2020-3

Blue Jays may dominate a feeder.

Carolina Wren 2020-11

Carolina Wrens are very numerous.

Chipping Sparrow 2020-20

Chipping Sparrows are arriving, and may stay for a while.

Eastern Bluebird 2020-104

Eastern Bluebirds seem to be more numerous.

Brown Thrasher 2020-105

Several Brown Thrashers were passing through.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet 2020-13

I see Ruby Crowned Kinglets everywhere I go.

White Winged Scoter 2020-2

White Winged Scoter 2020-1

This White Winged Scoter is here a little early.


Hermit Thrush at Greenbury Point.

The last two weeks have been spotty as far as finding interesting birds is concerned. “Interesting” means migrating, for the most part.

Sparrows  are coming through in big numbers, as well as Kinglets and catbirds.  Warblers have gotten harder to find , but there’s still a few to be found.

The weather has been unusually mild, and rain has been moderate.  A good Nor’easter might bring us some good birds.

Possum Point 215

Possum Point 212

Dawn on Whitehall Bay.

White Throated Sparrow 2020-10

I saw 40 or more White Throated Sparrows.

Hermit Thrush 2020-2

I haven’t seen a Hermit Thrush in a while.

Common Yellowthroat 2020-20

Many Common Yellowthroats are on the move.

Chipping Sparrow 2020-18

Chipping Sparrow 2020-17

This Chipping Sparrow was hanging in the Butterfly Garden at Quiet Waters.

Chipping Sparrow 2020-19

Chipping Sparrows are numerous,.

Downy Woodpecker 2020-9

This Downy Woodpecker was at Quiet Waters.

Catbird 2020-12

Catbirds have been hanging out for a month or more.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet 2020-10 Ruby Crowned Kinglet 2020-8

Ruby Crowned Kinglet 2020-11

Large flocks of Ruby Crowned Kinglets are in many places.

Golden Crowned Kinglet 2020-2

A few Golden Crowned Kinglets are often mixed with the Ruby Crowns.

Cardinal 2020-13

There are always a few Cardinals about.


Common Yellowthroat at Greenbury Point.

I started early(6:30 ish) at Possum Point, but the sunrise was kinda’ bland. No birds to speak of.

The Nature Center is about a quarter mile away, and I was there and birding just a few minutes after sunrise.

It was still a bit dark, as there  were clouds and the sun was quite low. I saw a few birds, but it was about half an hour before I saw any action.

There were quite a few birds around, and one Willow tree had me occupied for half an hour as it had so many visitors. Too many birds is a good problem, but you can’t help but wonder about the ones you missed. I did three circuits of the area, and the numbers dropped off quickly.

A good day. Good weather, good birds and a few good images.

Bay Bridge 56


Possum Point 211

Morning at Possum Point.

Palm Warbler 2020-2

This Palm Warbler was a nice surprise.

Northern Parula 2020-18

Northern Parula 2020-19

Northern Parulas look good in Spring and Fall.

warbler 6

This is an American Redstart, probably a juvenile.

Black and White Warbler 2020-10 Black and White Warbler 2020-9

Black and White Warbler 2020-11

Black and White Warblers maintain the same plumage year ’round , and both sexes look the same.

Red Eyed Vireo 2020-10

I’ve been seeing a lot of Red Eyed Vireos lately.

Cardinal 2020-10

Cardinal 2020-11

Who doesn’t like a Cardinal?

House Wren 2020-3

This House Wren may stay around for a while.

Catbird 2020-8 Catbird 2020-7

Catbird 2020-9

If you look at my Ebird list you’ll see that many Catbirds are in the area.

Common Yellowthroat 2020-11

Common Yellowthroat 2020-12

This is probably a female Common Yellowthroat. A young male would have the beginnings of a mask.