Things are starting to pick up. I’ve been hanging out at Sandy Point and Greenbury Point waiting for more birds to show, and today might have been the breakthrough.
I started at Sandy point, where I found a couple of decent shore birds, then went on to Greenbury Point.
I found plenty of activity right off the bat, including some birds I hadn’t seen there in a while. I think migration is under way!
I haven’t seen a Blue Gray Gnatcatcher at Greenbury since the Spring.
Eastern Kingbirds may be gathering to migrate.
This Downy Woodpecker was eating noisily.
It’s been weeks since I’ve found a Red Eyed Vireo.
A Great Crested Flycatcher was busily gforaging .
This Caspian Tern was at Sandy point.
I usually see Semi Palmated Plovers on the Eastern shore.
Least Sandpipers were foraging high on the beach.
This Snowy was feeding in the surf at Sandy Point.
This Willet didn’t belong at Sandy point at all, and was a rare treat.
You can find Goldfinches at Greenbury Point all year.
I seldom see Yellow Warblers at Greenbury Point.
Today’s bugs.