Black Crowned Night Heron at Bombay Hook

I went to Blackwater yesterday, with Chris, an old friend, then to Bombay Hook this morning. Blackwater was almost a total bust, with cloudy, rainy weather, but Bombay Hook was much better.

We had good light all morning, and saw thousands of interesting, but mostly distant birds. Small Sandpipers were the major species, but there were also Avocets, Geese, Terns and Egrets.  A couple of Night Herons and an Eagle provided a nice show as well.

Great Blue Heron 2018-55

Great Blue Herons were scattered here and there.

Great Blue Heron 2018-54


Great Blue Heron 2018-53 Great Blue Heron 2018-52 Great Blue Heron 2018-51

Great Blue Heron 2018-56

We saw several Great Blue Herons.

Caspian Tern 2018-22 Caspian Tern 2018-21 Caspian Tern 2018-20 Caspian Tern 2018-19 Caspian Tern 2018-18

Caspian Tern 2018-23

3-4 CAspian Terns were fishing in Shearness Pool.

Short Billed Dowitcher 2018-7

Several small flocks of Short Billed Dowitchers were feeding in the marsh.

Semipalmated Plover 2018-3

We found a few Semi Palmated Plovers.

Blue Grosbeak 2018-11 Blue Grosbeak 2018-10

Blue Grosbeak 2018-12

This Blue Grosbeak was singing loudly.

Bald Eagle 2018-62

Bald Eagle 2018-63

Two Bald Eagles were sunning themselves near the road.

Laughing Gull 2018-10

These Gulls were taking a break.

Forster's Tern 2018-100Laughing Gull 2018-9Forster's Tern 2018-99

We found Forster’s Terns at Blackwater.Black Crowned Night Heron 2018-12 Black Crowned Night Heron 2018-11 Black Crowned Night Heron 2018-10

Black Crowned Night Heron 2018-13

Two juvenile Black Crowned Night Herons were preening in Bear Swamp Pool.