A gloomy morning after an evening rain quickly turned into a mostly sunny and warm day, and I left for Thomas Point after an early appointment. I met my friend Emily there, and we quickly discovered a small treasure trove of birds, including a Purple Sandpiper neither of us had seen before. I’m sure I also saw an easrly Swallow, but I didn’t get a picture. A few Bald Eagles were in the area as well.
We visited my friend Theresa on Thomas Point Road, looking in vain for the Wood Duck, then we split up and I spent an hour or so at Quiet Waters before heading home.
This Purple Sandpiper flew into the rocks right at our feet. Neither of us had seen one before, and it took a while to get an ID (I hope I have it right).
This Bald Eagle was flying North, and met up with another some distance away.
Bufflehead often fly across Thomas Point.
This pair of Common Goldeneyes took off together.
Emily spotted this Common Loon. It’s the first I’ve seen at Thomas Point.
It’s a privilege to get this close to a Canvasback.
I confess to preferring the gaudier ducks, but the Lesser Scaup is a beauty as well.
I knew there was somethimg odd abput this duck I saw at Quiet Waters, but I didn’t know what it was until I uploaded the image. It certainly appears that a Canvasback has mated with a Mallard.Update:This is more likely to be an inbred Mallard
A large raft of Canvasbacks continues on Thomas Point Road.