I was a little under the weather yesterday, and the images I got weren’t worth posting. I got some extra rest last night, and the weatherman lived up to his promise of a warm, sunny day, so I set out early for Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. You can always count on Blackwater.
Eagles and Hawks were visible in relative abundance, and the large population of waterfowl didn’t disappoint. The White Pelican was a real treat, as I haven’t seen a Pelican in many years. I actually drove the wildlife loop 5 times, and I probably would have stayed longer if it wasn’t such a long (1.5 hours) drive.

Bright sunlight makes all the difference when photographing birds like this Northern Shoveler.

Northern Shovelers spend a lot of time with their heads underwater.

This Great Blue Heron remained motionless for at least half an hour.

A flock of Black Ducks was feeding in the marsh pond.

Hooded Mergansers were feeding in the pond as well.

I first saw this Bald Eagle at quite a distance.

This American White Pelican was a surprise, even though I had heard they were around. The staff thinks this one is staying around because he’s injured in some way.

I often see hawks at the entrance to the refuge. This Northern Harrier was very obliging.

This may be a Cooper’s Hawk. Update:It’s a Northern Harrier, a first
for me.

It appeared that he caught some prey in a nearby field.

These young Bald Eagles may have been practicing their mating ritual.

Shortly after I got this image, this Red Tailed Hawk was attacked by a Bald Eagle.

I’m working on an ID for this hawk. Update:Red Tailed

This is the first Ruddy Duck I’ve seen at Blackwater.