About Hugh


Great Crested Flycatcher at Greenbury Point.

I tried a new place on Mill Creek this morning. A friend lives there and invited me to take a look. It was a but foggy and cloudy, and I didn’t see anything interesting, but I’ll go back soon.

It’s not far from Greenbury Point, and I had a little better luck there. Most of the images were so-so due to the poor lighting, but I’m posting a couple of them.

Goldfinch 2106-5

A flock of Goldfinches was foraging in the weeds.

Great Crested Flycatcher 2016-5 Great Crested Flycatcher 2016-4

Great Crested Flycatcher 2016-7

This pair of Great Crested Flycatchers flew around the area for 20 minutes or more.

Cedar Waxwing at Terrapin Nature Park.

I stopped at Sandy Point , early, but the sunrise was quite banal, so I went right to Terrapin. I found some Waxwings right away, but not a single wading bird, and only one Osprey.

A Snapping Turtle appeared to be preparing for egg laying, but  not much else was going on.

Same thing at CBEC. No interesting birds. It was getting hot and sticky by 8:30, and I headed home.

Great Blue Heron 2016-30

This Great Blue Heron flew overhead at CBEC.

Canada Goose 2016-28

These Canada Goose goslings are growing rapidly.

Cedar Waxwing 2016-15

Cedar Waxwing 2016-16

About 15 Cedar Waxwings were gorging on berries.

Snapping Turtle 8

Snapping Turtle 9

I saw two Snapping Turtles out of the water today.

Goldfinch at Lake Artemesia.

I went to Buddy Attick yesterday, but didn’t see much beyond a couple of turtles.

It was cloudy this morning, and I was skeptical, but I set out early for Lake Artemesia anyway. After an hour or so, the skies began to clear and a few birds began to appear, but it wasn’t any bonanza.

I spent more time with the Purple Martins, and tried to get a shy Oriole out of the bushes, but to no avail. Better days will come.

Buddy Attick 4

Dawn at Buddy Attick.

Lake Artemesia 11 Lake Artemesia 12

Lake Artemesia 13

Views of Lake Artemesia.

Wood Duck 2016-67

Wood Duck 2016-66

A pair of Wood Ducks flew over the lake.

Song Sparrow 2016-9

Song Sparrows are the only sparrows I’m seeing lately.

Purple Martin 2016-49 Purple Martin 2016-48 Purple Martin 2016-46

Purple Martin 2016-45

I’m having more luck with flight shots of the Purple Martins.

Goldfinch 2106-3

Goldfinch 2106-4

Goldfinches have been in short supply this year.

Beaver 109

I see beavers often at Artemesia.

Turtle 47 Turtle 46

Turtle 45

This turtle is preparing to lay eggs.

Lily 2

Flower 66

Flowers from Buddy Attick.

Common Loon at Buddy Attick Lake Park.

I met Graeme early at Buddy Attick and spent the morning exploring the area and finding some good birds. This is a well maintained city park, with a lake, marsh, forest habitat that attracts many different birds.

We did a fairly slow and complete circle of the lake and saw a lot of possibilities for future expeditions. I expect I’ll go back tomorrow.

Mourning Dove 2016-5

These Mourning Doves seemed to be courting.

Baltimore Oriole 2016-12 Baltimore Oriole 2016-11 Baltimore Oriole 2016-10 Baltimore Oriole 2016-7

Baltimore Oriole 2016-7

Baltimore Oriole 2016-13

We watched this pair of Baltimore Orioles for quite a while.

Baltimore Oriole 2016-6

This Baltimore Oriole nest has many different kinds of materials.

Warbling Vireo 2016-6 Warbling Vireo 2016-5 Warbling Vireo 2016-4

Warbling Vireo 2016-7

We found this Warbling Vireo near her nest.

Wood Duck 2016-62

Wood Duck 2016-60 Wood Duck 2016-59 Wood Duck 2016-57


Wood Duck 2016-61

This Wood Duck let us get quite close.

Common Loon 2016-104 Common Loon 2016-102

Common Loon 2016-105

This Common Loon is in breeding plumage and should be in Canada by now.

Orchard Oriole at Wooton’s Landing.

I hadn’t been to Wooton in a while, so I gave it a try this morning with mixed results. There were a few birds around, but they weren’t showing themselves.

I did manage a few images, but I’ve been spoiled in the last few days and was hoping for more.

Catbird 2016-8

This Gray Catbird was one of the few cooperative birds.

Song Sparrow 2016-7

Song Sparrows are abundant at Wooton.

Orchard Oriole 2016-12 Orchard Oriole 2016-11 Orchard Oriole 2016-10 Orchard Oriole 2016-9

Orchard Oriole 2016-8

Orchard Orioles were plentiful and singing loudly.

Raccoon 13

Raccoon 12

It’s rare to see a Raccoon in the daytime.


Baltimore Oriole at Lake Artemesia.

After yesterday’s disappointment I decided to go back to Artemesia for a sure thing. It turned out well. The Baltimore Oriole has been a nemesis bird for me-I’ve got photos, but no really good ones.

I met Graeme early, and we saw good birds right away, and most of the morning. Afterward, he showed me nearby Buddy Attick Park, which I’ll visit again soon.

Lake Artemesia 10

A view of Lake Artemesia.

Yellow Billed Cuckoo 2016-1

This is the first Yellow Billed Cuckoo I’ve seen at Artemesia.

Mockingbird 2016-5

I often pass up Mockingbirds, but I liked this pose.

Common Loon 2016-101

This Common Loon was at Buddy Attick.

Red Winged Blackbird 2016-26

Red Winged Blackbird 2016-27

We saw this Red Winged Blackbird as we were leaving.

Barn Swallow 2016-8 Barn Swallow 2016-7

Barn Swallow 2016-6

Some very cooperative Barn Swallows.

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher 2016-5

Blue Gray Gnatcatcher 2016-6

I’ve seen fewer Blue Gray Gnatcatchers this year than previously.

Wood Duck 2016-54

Wood Duck 2016-55

Wood Ducks are thriving at Artemesia.

Mallard 2016-50

Mallard 2016-52

This Mallard will be leaving her ducklings soon.

Purple Martin 2016-40

Purple Martin 2016-41

More Purple Martin flight shots.

Green Heron 2016-8

Several Green Herons flew over the lake.

Orchard Oriole 2016-6 Orchard Oriole 2016-5

Orchard Oriole 2016-7

This Orchard Oriole was one of the first birds we saw this morning.

Baltimore Oriole 2016-3 Baltimore Oriole 2016-2

Baltimore Oriole 2016-5

Baltimore Oriole 2016-4

I really wanted this Baltimore Oriole, so we spent a lot of time chasing it.



Cedar Waxwing at Terrapin Nature Park.

I finally got a decent sunrise at Sandy Point. My trip to Terrapin wasn’t as successful, with an unusual dearth of good birds, or any birds at all.

I took off early and got a few things done at home, and finished a good book.


Sandy Point 225

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

Great Blue Heron 2016-29

Great Blue Heron 2016-28

This Great Blue Heron had the marsh pond to himself.

Cedar Waxwing 2016-14 Cedar Waxwing 2016-12

Cedar Waxwing 2016-13

A flock of Cedar Waxwings was gorging on these berries.



Crow v. Osprey at Truxtun Park.

The truth is that bird photography can be very boring at times. Slogging through the marsh with wet feet and mosquitoes while carrying the necessary equipment and enduring long periods without finding a worthwhile subject can make you question your sanity.

But not always. On this occasion I was photographing the Blue Angels air show, when the resident Osprey was mobbed by a very persistent Crow.

I actually missed several of the planes while trying to capture the action, which went on for several minutes.

Osprey 2016-53 (2) Osprey 2016-53 Osprey 2016-54 Osprey 2016-55 Osprey 2016-56 Osprey 2016-57 Osprey 2016-58 Osprey 2016-59 Osprey 2016-60 Osprey 2016-51 Osprey 2016-52 Osprey 2016-50

Wood Ducks at Lake Artemesia.

Another perfect day! I’ve gotten so used to shooting in poor light that I’d forgotten what a joy sunshine can be. I can’t afford the very best equipment, but my gear is as good as anyone’s in these conditions.

I went back to Artemesia in hopes of another great day, and I came close enough. Good birds were plentiful, and the God of luck was on my side.

Mallard 2016-47

Mallard 2016-46

The mama Mallard had gathered all her ducklings in a shady grass spot.

Canada Goose 2016-26

These Goslings are growing rapidly.

Robin 2016-7

This Robin appears to gathering food for a family.

Purple Martin 2016-30 Purple Martin 2016-29

Purple Martin 2016-27 Purple Martin 2016-26 Purple Martin 2016-25 Purple Martin 2016-24 Purple Martin 2016-23

Purple Martin 2016-28

I’m getting good results with Purple Martins.

Eastern Kingbird 2016-12

There seems to be more Eastern Kingbirds than usual.

Barn Swallow 2016-5

Barn Swallows breed at Lake Artemesia.

Orchard Oriole 2016-4

Orchard Oriole 2016-2

Orchard Oriole 2016-3

There are several Orchard Orioles at the lake, but they can be hard to find.

Great Blue Heron 2016-26

Great Blue Heron 2016-27

Great Blue Herons often rest on this unused Osprey platform.

Osprey 2016-50

A Crow harassed this Osprey for several minutes.

Wood Duck 2016-48 Wood Duck 2016-47 Wood Duck 2016-46

Wood Duck 2016-51

Wood Duck 2016-50

Wood Duck 2016-49

Several Wood Ducks and their families were cruising the lake.

Beaver 107

Has this Beaver bitten off more than he can chew?





Blue Angels at Truxtun Park.

I went to Sandy Point early, and decided the sunrise was too blah to record. I went right across the bridge to Terrapin, which was slow, but provided a few decent images.

CBEC was even slower-where are the wading birds?

The Blue Angels made their annual visit today, and provided the best images of the day.


These Deer greeted me at Terrapin.

Tree Swallow 2016-50

A moderately successful try at a Tree Swallow.

Osprey 2016-49

Two Ospreys were actively building this nest.

Great Blue Heron 2016-24

I found this Great Blue Heron at CBEC.

Eastern Kingbird 2016-11

Eastern Kingbirds are still plentiful.

Cardinal 2016-12

A perfectly posed Cardinal.

Red Tailed Hawk 2016-2

Red Tailed Hawk 2016-3

This Red Tailed Hawk flew by as I was watching the Blue Angels.

Snowy Egret 2016-10

Snowy Egret 2016-11

A single Snowy Egret watched over the marsh pond.

Grackle 2016-3

Grackle 2016-4

The common Grackle can be attractive in the right light.

Red Winged Blackbird 2016-21 Red Winged Blackbird 2016-20

Red Winged Blackbird 2016-22

Red Winged Blackbirds were especially active today.

Blue Angels 17 Blue Angels 18 Blue Angels 19 Blue Angels 20 Blue Angels 21 Blue Angels 22 Blue Angels 23

Blue Angels 24

Blue Angels 25

The Blue Angels.