About Hugh


Savannah Sparrow at Bombay Hook.

I made the trek to Bombay Hook this morning in hopes of finding some good water birds, but it was not happening. Some ducks have arrived, and a few Snow Geese flew over, but numbers and variety were low.

It was very windy, and the birds seemed to spook easily this morning. I made the circuit 4 times, and got a few decent images, but I’m hoping for better birds next time.

Bombay Hook 15

Dawn at Bombay Hook.

Bombay Hook 16

On the road to Alan House.

Northern Shoveler 2018-18

This is a Northern Shoveler.

Northern Pintail 2018-17 Northern Pintail 2018-16

Northern Pintail 2018-15

Many Northern Pintails have arrived.

Great Blue Heron 2018-80

This Great Blue Heron flew over as I was leaving.

Bald Eagle 2018-71

Bald Eagle 2018-72

A Bald Eagle seemed to be soaking up the morning Sun.

Snow Goose 2018-25

About 50 Snow Geese flew over the refuge.

Greater Yellowlegs 2018-20

I saw many Greater Yellowlegs in the distance.

Black Duck 2018-3

Black Ducks were plentiful also.

Savannah Sparrow 2018-3

Savannah Sparrow 2018-4

You can often find Savannah Sparrows by the side of the road.

Chipping Sparrow at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

I got to Sandy Point about an hour before sunrise, which is the best time to see the colors when the elements line up, but they didn’t cooperate today. I’ve spent several mornings in the parking lot this year waiting for a colorful dawn that never arrived.

Terrapin was the next stop, and it was OK, but not nearly as active as yesterday.

I haven’t been to CBEC forĀ  while, so I gave it a try, but it was really slow. There’s plenty of distant ducks, but none close enough to photograph. A nice butterfly made up for the lack of birds.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet 2018-6

Ruby Crowned Kinglet 2018-7

Many Ruby Crowned Kinglets are still hanging around.

Palm Warbler 2018-11

A single Palm Warbler was feeding near the boardwalk.

Red Tailed Hawk 2018-12

This is probably the same Red Tailed Hawk I saw yesterday.

White Crowned Sparrow 2018-2

White Crowned Sparrow 2018-3

I was lucky enough to see another White Crowned Sparrow today.

Chipping Sparrow 2018-8 Chipping Sparrow 2018-7

Chipping Sparrow 2018-9

This Chipping Sparrow was foraging near the lake.

Butterfly 76

This Question Mark butterfly landed right in front of me.

White Crowned Sparrow at Terrapin Nature Park.

I started at Sandy Point, as I often do at this time of year, and got a few looks at a decent sunrise. I always want more color, but it was good enough.

I’ve been hearing that the migrants are on the move, and sure enough, they were. When I got to the big field near the parking lot, I could see dozens of small birds dripping from the leaves and branches. This only happens a few times a year, and it’s a real treat.

I was pleased to see it was a mixed flock of Sparrows and Kinglets. There were at least two cool Sparrows, and one of the Ruby Kinglets was kind enough to show me his ruby stripe, which doesn’t always happen.

A Hawk and a Warbler were just icing on the cake.

Sandy Point 523

Sandy Point 522

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

Field Sparrow 2018-2

Several Chipping Sparrows were in the flock.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet 2018-3 Ruby Crowned Kinglet 2018-2

Ruby Crowned Kinglet 2018-5

Ruby Crowned Kinglets were everywhere.

Yellow Rumped Warbler 2018-5

A few Yellow Rumped Warblers were foraging with the Sparrows.

Red Tailed Hawk 2018-7 Red Tailed Hawk 2018-6 Red Tailed Hawk 2018-5 Red Tailed Hawk 2018-4 Red Tailed Hawk 2018-9

Red Tailed Hawk 2018-8

This juvenile Red Tailed Hawk seems to have lost an eye.

Field Sparrow 2018-1

This appears to be a Field Sparrow.

Eastern Phoebe 2018-6

Several Eastern Phoebes were flycatching.

Cape May Warbler 2018-2 Cape May Warbler 2018-1

Cape May Warbler 2018-3

This Cape May Warbler was quite close and posed well.

Lincoln's Sparrow 2018-1

This is a Lincoln’s Sparrow, only the third I’ve seen.

White Crowned Sparrow 2018-1

I’ve looked for a White Crowned Sparrow for several years. This is a first for me.


Black Throated Green Warbler at Quiet Waters.

After yesterday’s success, I tried Quiet Waters again today, and did well. I’ve said in the past that I should try Quiet Waters more often.

I had to do some searching to find the best spot, but it didn’t take long and I had over an hour of decent activity.Ā  It can be tricky to find migrating birds.

Sandy Point 519

Sandy Point 520

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

Eastern Phoebe 2018-4 Eastern Phoebe 2018-3

Eastern Phoebe 2018-5

Several flycatchers were foraging in the area.

Blue Headed Vireo 2018-1

This is the first Blue Headed Vireo I’ve seen this year.

Chickadee 2018-6

I heard several Chickadees in the area.

Downy Woodpecker 2018-9

Two or more Downy Woodpeckers seem to be in the area all the time.

Cardinal 2018-15

Cardinal 2018-16

This Cardinal struck a nice pose.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet 2018-1

A single Ruby Crowned Kinglet was feeding in the undergrowth.

Pileated Woodpecker 2018-8

This Pileated Woodpecker was in the area for an hour or more.

Black Throated Green Warbler 2018-1

The Black Throated Green Warbler is a striking bird.


It’s rutting season, so I expect to be seeing more deer.

Blackpoll Warbler at Quiet Waters.

I started at Sandy point this morning, looking for a colorful sunrise. I got nada. Gray, cloudy sky with no decent colors. I found no interesting birds on the beach, so I set out for Greenbury Point, which was also a bust. A lone Great Blue Heron at Possum Point provided one photo opp.

On to Quiet Waters. I tried a couple of favorite spots, and was getting ready to quit when I saw a couple of interesting looking small birds, and lucked into a mini-bonanza. A couple of warblers and other small birds made a dullĀ  morning into something far more satisfying.

Great Blue Heron 2018-76 Great Blue Heron 2018-75

Great Blue Heron 2018-74

This Great Blue Heron was the only bird I found at Greenbury Point.

White Throated Sparrow 2018-3

My first White Throated Sparrow of the season.

Chickadee 2018-5

It will be easier to find Chickadees as the leaves fall off the trees.

Palm Warbler 2018-9

Palm Warbler 2018-10

This Palm Warbler was very cooperative.

Song Sparrow 2017-15

I haven’t seen many Song Sparrows lately.

Downy Woodpecker 2018-7

Downy Woodpecker 2018-8

Two Downy Woodpeckers were examining this nesting box.

Blackpoll Warbler 2018-3

I had to get help identifying this Blackpoll Warbler.

American Avocet at Bombay Hook NWR.

It’s been another long dry spell around here. I’ve gotten out most days, but there just wasn’t much to see. That’s odd for this time of year when migration should be in full swing.

I went to Bombay Hook again this morning, just to get a look at some decent birds rather than take another chance on getting skunked around here.

It was actually slower than I’d hoped, but a big improvement on the local spots.

Bombay Hook 12

Bombay Hook 13

Dawn at Bombay Hook.

Mute Swan 2018-9

This juvenile Mute Swan was probably born at Bombay Hook, as I saw several much smaller ones earlier in the year.

Short Billed Dowitcher 2018-11

Short Billed Dowitcher 2018-12

I don’t often see Short-billed Dowitchers.

Great Egret 2018-98

This Great Egret was one of only a handful I found this morning.

Northern Pintail 2018-14

This is a Northern Pintail hen.

American Avocet 2018-25

American Avocets aren’t as colorful at this time of year.

American Avocet at Bombay Hook NWR.

Yet anotherĀ  three day stretch without decent activity. I’ve been to several places without any luck at all, and even the old reliable places are slow.

I made it to Bombay Hook this morning and got a few decent images, but not what I expected from previous years,

Sunrise at Bombay Hook.

Snowy Egret 2018-35 Snowy Egret 2018-34


Many Snowy Egrets were foraging in the marsh.

Greater Yellowlegs were in every marsh.


Great Egrets were numerous.


American Avocet 2018-23

This American Avocet posed nicely.

Northern Pintail 2018-12 Northern Pintail 2018-11


A few Northern Pintails were moving around.


You can often find Bald Eagles along the marsh drive.


One Double Crested Cormorant was relaxing in a tree.

Wood Duck 2018-50

I found this Wood Duck at Lake Artemesia on Saturday.


Tennessee Warbler at Terrapin Nature Park.

It’s been a slow and wet September this year. I probably found fewer warblers than every other year.

I managed to get out most days when it wasn’t raining, which it did a lot. In most cases I found very few birds, and not as many migrants as in the usual September.

I made the trek to Bombay Hook this morning to change my luck, and did a great deal better. It still wasn’t as good as I’d like, but I’m sure it will get better soon.

Sandy Point 513

Sandy Point 514

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

American Avocet 2018-19 American Avocet 2018-18 American Avocet 2018-16 American Avocet 2018-15

American Avocet 2018-20

There were easily 200 American Avocets present this morning.

Northern Harrier 2018-7

I could have had a better image of this Harrier, but I was a little too slow.

Greater Yellowlegs 2018-16

Greater Yellowlegs 2018-17

There were only a few Greater Yellowlegs this morning.

Mute Swan 2018-8

I saw this Mute Swan a few weeks ago when the Cygnets were much smaller.

Northern Pintail 2018-8

This appears to be a Northern Pintail hen.

Great Egret 2018-93 Great Egret 2018-92

Great Egret 2018-94

There were many Egrets fishing in the marsh.

Savannah Sparrow 2018-2

I found this Savannah Sparrow near Bear Swamp Pool.

Chestnut Sided Warbler 2018-2

This Northern Parula was at Terrapin Nature Park.

Palm Warbler 2018-8

This Palm Warbler was at Greenbury Point.

Caspian Tern 2018-3d4 Caspian Tern 2018-33

Caspian Tern 2018-34

Caspian Terns are regulars at Sandy Point.

Sanderling 2018-4 Sanderling 2018-3

Sanderling 2018-5

These Sanderlings were foraging in the puddles at Sandy Point.

Great Egret 2018-91

This Great Egret was at Schoolhouse Pond.

Tennessee Warbler 2018-1

I haven’t seen many Tennessee warblers.

Brown Headed Nuthatch at Blackwater NWR.

It’s been a while since I posted anything. The recent hurricane and many days of rain and and severe clouds have kept me from getting out very much, and when I did get out there wasn’t much to see. It’s beenĀ  a warm Summer, and migration seems later than usual.

I’m posting images from several place I’ve been to recently, including Terrapin, Wooton’s landing,Ā  Sandy Point, Greenbury Point, Quiet Waters and Schoolhouse Pond.

Blackwater Dawn 55

Blackwater Dawn.

Red Headed Woodpecker 2018-53

Red Headed Woodpeckers seem to favor dead trees.

Double Crested Cormorant 2018-13 Double Crested Cormorant 2018-12 Double Crested Cormorant 2018-11

Double Crested Cormorant 2018-14

Many Double Crested Cormorants were fishing today.

Great Egret 2018-88 Great Egret 2018-87 Great Egret 2018-86

Great Egret 2018-89

Only a few Great Egrets were around today.

Bald Eagle 2018-65

Bald Eagle 2018-66

Several Eagles were soaking up the sum today.

Chestnut Sided Warbler 2018-1

The Chestnut Sided Warbler was at Wooton yesterday.

Caspian Tern 2018-28

Caspian Tern 2018-32

There are Caspian Terns at Sandy Point at this time of year.

Forster's Tern 2018-107

Many Forster’s Terns were fishing at Blackwater.

Snowy Egret 2018-31 Snowy Egret 2018-30

Snowy Egret 2018-32

This Snowy Egrets was at Bombay Hook.

American Avocet 2018-14

This American Avocet is another Bombay Hook bird.

Goldfinch 2018-23

Goldfinches are regulars at Greenbury Point.

Seagulls 2018-1

Many gulls hung out at Sandy Point while the storm passed.

Great Blue Heron 2018-72

Great Blue Heron 2018-71

You can always find a few Great Blue Herons.

Canada Goose 2018-35

This Canada Goose was at Schoolhouse Pond.

Mockingbird 2018-3

Just a low light experiment with a Mockingbird.

Song Sparrow 2017-14

I think this Song Sparrow was at Jonas Green Park.

Great Crested Flycatcher 2018-6

This Great Crested Flycatcher is preparing for the flight South.

Brown Headed Nuthatch 2018-2 Brown Headed Nuthatch 2018-1

Brown Headed Nuthatch 2018-3

Brown Headed Nuthatches were very active today.

Dragonfly 121

This Dragonfly seemed to be drying his wings.

Monarch 62 Moth 226 Butterfly 75 Painted Lady 8 Great Spangled Fritillary 6 Sulfur 5 Painted Lady 7 Monarch 61

Common Buckeye 17

It’s the right time of year for butterflies.

Northern Harrier at Bombay Hook.

My internet has been screwed up for a few days, so I haven’t been able post anything. Stay away from Comcast, folks.

I made a trip to Bombay Hook a few days ago, which was OK, but not as fruitful as I’d hoped. We need some cool weather and some rain to speed up migration.

Today I stopped early at Sandy Point, but the sunrise wasn’t worth photographing, and the birds on the beach were the same-old, same-old.

Greenbury Point was much better, and I suspect I found enough variety to proclaim that migration has begun!

Sandy Point 514

Sunrise at Sandy Point.

Mockingbird 2018-2

This Mockingbird gave a nice wing flutter just as I clicked the shutter.



Eastern Wood Peewee 2018-1

This Peewee is a migrant, heading South.

Baltimore Oriole 2018-14

Several juvenile Baltimore Orioles showed their colors.

Blue Grosbeak 2018-14

I found several Blue Grosbeaks this morning.

Blue Grosbeak 2018-16 Blue Grosbeak 2018-15

Indigo Bunting 2018-7

I found several Blue Grosbeaks this morning.

Rose Breasted Grosbeak 2018-1

I usually wouldn’t keep such a poor photo, but this is one of my favorite birds, a Rose Breasted Grosbeak (Juvenile).

Carolina Wren 2018-3

You can hear Carolina Wrens just about anywhere you go around here.

Baltimore Oriole 2018-13 Great Blue Heron 2018-68 Great Blue Heron 2018-67


Great Blue Heron 2018-69

This Great Blue Heron was at Sandy point.

Goldfinch 2018-22

Goldfinches are at Greenbury Point all year.

Indigo Bunting 2018-6

This is a juvenile Indigo Bunting.

Northern Harrier 2018-5 Northern Harrier 2018-4

Northern Harrier 2018-6

I was in the right place when this Northern Harrier flew by.

Snowy Egret 2018-29

This Snowy Egret flew right in front of me.

Great Egret 2018-80

I’ve seen a lot of Great Egrets this year.

Caspian Tern 2018-26

Caspian Tern 2018-27

This Caspian Tern was at Bombay Hook.

Black Crowned Night Heron 2018-11

Black Crowned Night Heron 2018-10

This is a juvenile Black Crowned Night Heron.

Red Spotted Purple 17

This Red Spotted Purple was feeding at Greenbury Point.