About Hugh


Ring Necked Ducks at Lake Artemesia.

We’re not going to get any kind of waterfowl bonanza this year, but the smaller birds are starting to be more active, so all will be well.  Is Global Warming affecting migration? I don’t know, but I was talking with a friend a few days ago, and we agreed that we seem to be seeing fewer birds.

Again, I’ve been getting out almost daily (Rain keeps me home) but I’m not getting any great photos. This might be the year of more landscapes.

Lake Artemesia 151

Artemesia Dawn.

Brown Headed Nuthatch 2020-1

Brown Headed Nuthatches were very active at CBEC .

Yellow Rumped Warbler 2020-1

I’ve seen fewer Yellow Rumped Warblers this year.

Eastern Bluebird 2020-1

I found several Eastern Bluebirds at CBEC this morning.

Ruby Crowned Kinglet 2020-1

This Ruby Crowned Kinglet was surprise.

Downy Woodpecker 2020-4 Downy Woodpecker 2020-2 Downy Woodpecker 2020-1

Downy Woodpecker 2020-3

This Downy Woodpecker ignored me as he searched for morsels.

Hooded Merganser 2020-10

This Hooded Merganser flew off as soon as he saw me.

Canada Goose 2020-14

Not enough shutter speed, or an arty effect?

Ring Necked Duck 2020-11

I found these Ring Necked Ducks at Lake Artemesia.

Ring Necked Duck 2020-12

Pied Billed Grebes at Lake Artemesia.

We’re finally getting some signs of Spring birds. Passerines are chirping at Quiet Waters, and some migrants are being found in other areas of MD. There’s been  no improvement in duck numbers, and maybe there won’t be.

I’ve made a few short trips, but wasted a lot of time trying to find birds, so it’s been a bit sparse.

Common Goldeneye 2020-2

A single Common Goldeneye hen is visiting Lake Artemesia.

Ring Necked Duck 2020-10

Ring Necked Ducks are a regular winter visitor.

Canada Goose 2020-10 Canada Goose 2020-11 Canada Goose 2020-12 Canada Goose 2020-13

Canada Goose 2020-9

Many Canada Geese spend the night in winter.

Hooded Merganser 2020-8

A few Hooded Mergansers are passing through.



Winter Ducks at Julia’s Place.

It’s still very slow here, but I saw a pair of Wood Ducks at Quiet Waters today, so thing are looking up.

I’ve been sticking close to home, as there doesn’t seem to be a lot of action anywhere close, and Ocean City is just too  far. I’ve been to CBEC and Kent Narrows, as well as Lake Artemesia, and we’re not getting much in the way of variety. Last year was significantly better in terms of diversity.

Julia’s Place is an Ebird hotspot on Thomas Point Road where a friend lives. Julia is a collared Tundra Swan who’s been seen in the area for several years.

So, here’s some of last week’s best images.

Canvasback 2020-25

There is a large flock, 000 or more, of Canvasbacks hanging out.

Mallard 2020-28

Redhead 2020-15

The Redhead, on the left, can be mistaken for the Canvasback in poor conditions.

Canvasback 2020-22 Canvasback 2020-21

Canvasback 2020-28

Only a pro could ID this Canvasback Drake.

Redhead 2020-14

Redhead 2020-17

This is a Redhead hen.

Canvasback 2020-19

Canada Goose 2020-8

There’s usually 15-20 Canada Geese in the area.

Black Duck 2020-2

Black Duck 2020-5

Black Duck 2020-7

I don’t get this close to many Black Ducks.

Tundra Swan 2020-26

70-80 Tundra Swans are spending the Winter.

Mallard 2020-25

Many Mallards hang out near the shoreline.

Bufflehead 2020-9

There were only a few Buffleheads.

White Throated Sparrow 2020-1

Many White Throated Sparrows hang out in the woods.

Great Blue Heron 2020-2

This Great Blue Heron was at Lake Artemesia.

Common Goldeneye 2020-1

This Common Goldeneye was also at Lake Artemesia. In the past, it was much more likely to see this bird at Thomas Point, wher4e I haven’t seen any this year.

Hooded Merganser 2020-5

Hooded Merganser 2020-6

There are a few Hooded Mergansers in the Area.

Ring Necked Duck 2020-8

Ring Necked Ducks seem to like Lake Artemesia.


Redheads at Thomas Point

This is the warmest Winter I can recall around here. We’ve been in the 60s several times, and it must be many degrees above normal.

I don’t know if climate change is involved, but the winter ducks know about it, and they’re staying well to the North. Why fly this far if the weather lets you find food easily?

So, a few images from the last two weeks. These don’t let you see how many trips were just a blank, which is unknown at this time of year.

Ebird lists:



Tundra Swans in an odd combination of reflection and shadows.

Canvasback hen, wit h the subtle beauty many female birds have.

Mallard hen, coming in for a landing.

Looks like an old fashioned print.

Canada Goose landing at Thomas Point.

Redhead at Thomas Point.

Many Buffleheads winter at Thomas Point.

Dawn at Possum Point.

Canvasback at Thomas Point.

It’s been an exciting and exasperating two weeks. My car died, and my sister was kind enough to donate her old car to the cause. which necessitated a trip to NY via train, and the long drive back. The deed is done and I should have the paperwork finished in a few days.

I did manage to get out several times, but there’s not a whole lot going on.  The unusually warm weather has to be a factor.

Freddie 1

“Freddie” is a 2004 Mercury Grand Marquis.

Tundra Swan 2020-6 Tundra Swan 2020-5 Tundra Swan 2020-7 Tundra Swan 2020-4 Tundra Swan 2020-1

Tundra Swan 2020-8

About 70-80 Tundra Swans are spending the Winter near Thomas Point.

Mallard 2020-1

Mallard 2020-3

There are plenty of Mallards in the area.

Lesser Scaup 2020-4

There’s always a few Lesser Scaup in the mix.

Mute Swan 2020-1

Mute Swan 2020-2

This Mute Swan was at a park near my sister’s house in Huntington, NY.

Redhead 2020-2

Redhead 2020-4

A few pairs of Redheads are usually nearby.

Bufflehead 2020-3 Bufflehead 2020-2

Bufflehead 2020-4

You’ll always find a few Buffleheads at Thomas Point.

Canvasback 2020-6 Canvasback 2020-5 Canvasback 2020-9 Canvasback 2020-4 Canvasback 2020-3 Canvasback 2020-2 Canvasback 2020-1

Canvasback 2020-8

There may have been a thousand or more Canvasbacks visible today.


Lesser Scaup at Thomas Point.

I’ve been going to Thomas Point and Quiet Waters most days, with looks at Possum Point, Lake Artemesia and Schoolhouse Pond.  No place has been exciting, but I’m seeing a decent variety overall.

Tundra Swans and Canvasbacks are here in good numbers now, and Scoters and Scaup are here as well. Loons and Grebes are lagging. A few Common Goldeneyes are at Thomas Point.

I didn’t make the Eastern Shore yet, but it won’t be long.

Possum Point 163

Dawn at Possum Point.

Bay Bridge 12

Working Whitehall Bay.

Wood Duck 2019-62

“Woodie”, the Thomas Point Wood Duck.

Wood Duck 2019-61

Wood Duck 2019-63

“Woofie” is still loitering with the Mallards at Thomas Point.

Tundra Swan 2019-127 Tundra Swan 2019-126 Tundra Swan 2019-125 Tundra Swan 2019-124 Tundra Swan 2019-123 Tundra Swan 2019-122 Tundra Swan 2019-121 Tundra Swan 2019-120 Tundra Swan 2019-119 Tundra Swan 2019-118 Tundra Swan 2019-117 Tundra Swan 2019-116

Tundra Swan 2019-128

75-80 Tundra Swans are wintering near my friend’s house. They get quite feisty at times.

Canvasback 2019-41

Canvasback 2019-42

This is a pair of Canvasbacks.

Bufflehead 2019-89 Bufflehead 2019-88

Bufflehead 2019-90

Many Buffleheads are feeding at the point.

Ruddy Duck 2019-16

A small flock of Ruddy Ducks is staying near the point.

Redhead 2019-36

Redhead 2019-37

Close up of a Redhead.

Canada Goose 2019-40

The pond at Schoolhouse Pond.

Lesser Scaup 2019-38

Lesser Scaup 2019-39

Most Lesser Scaup are staying well out from shore.


Ring Necked Ducks at Lake Artemesia.

It’s been almost a week since I posted anything. Weather accounts for a day or two, and a shortage of birds is to blame for the rest.  I know there have been more birds in previous years, but some variation must be normal

I’ve been staying on this side of the bridge to avoid possible traffic problems with  the current construction. I will get there soon because there’s a lot of good spots to check.

Tundra Swan 2019-114 Tundra Swan 2019-113 Tundra Swan 2019-112 Tundra Swan 2019-111 Tundra Swan 2019-110

Tundra Swan 2019-115

There’s a lot of feisty Swans, so I look for the action shots.

Redhead 2019-34

Red Shouldered Hawk 2019-103

I was lucky to get this close to this Red Shouldered Hawk.

Redhead 2019-34

The Redhead is a very handsome duck.

Redhead 2019-35Red Bellied Woodpecker 2019-4

Red Bellied Woodpecker 2019-5

This red headed Woodpecker has found a breakfast bush.

Lesser Scaup 2019-36

Lesser Scaup 2019-37

This is a female Lesser Scaup.

Canvasback 2019-40

Everyone gets excited at feeding time.

Bufflehead 2019-84

Bufflehead 2019-85

Male Buffleheads have pink feet.

Ring Necked Duck 2019-14 Ring Necked Duck 2019-13 Ring Necked Duck 2019-12

Ring Necked Duck 2019-15

Ring Necked Ducks don’t often pose for flight shots.


Peregrine Falcon at Lake Artemesia.

It’s been another slow week. Ducks are trickling in, but not in numbers yet. The birds I’m finding at Thomas Point are numerous, but staying too far out for good images.

We lost a day or two to weather, but I got out most days. Quiet Waters has been particularly lousy this year, and Thomas Point is only just starting to pick up.

Anyway, the Falcon was a nice surprise. Maybe I’ll get to the Eastern Shore next week.

Ruddy Duck 2019-15

I’m not seeing as many Ruddy Ducks as usual.

Ring Necked Duck 2019-11

Ring Necked Ducks are easy to find at this time of year.

Pied Billed Grebe 2019-107

I found four Pied Billed Grebes this morning.

Long Tailed Duck 2019-39

Long Tailed Duck 2019-40

This Long Tailed Duck was at Thomas Point.

Hooded Merganser 2019-42

Hooded Merganser 2019-43

Hooded Mergansers have just begun arriving.

Bufflehead 2019-73 Bufflehead 2019-71 Bufflehead 2019-70


Bufflehead 2019-74

Buffleheads are in most places I visit.

Wood Duck 2019-58

Wood Duck 2019-59

This Wood Duck is still hanging out at Thomas Point.

Tundra Swan 2019-99 Tundra Swan 2019-98 Tundra Swan 2019-97 Tundra Swan 2019-96 Tundra Swan 2019-95 Tundra Swan 2019-94 Tundra Swan 2019-93 Tundra Swan 2019-92 Tundra Swan 2019-91 Tundra Swan 2019-90 Tundra Swan 2019-89 Tundra Swan 2019-88 Tundra Swan 2019-87 Tundra Swan 2019-86 Tundra Swan 2019-85

Tundra Swan 2019-100

Many Tundra Swans are here for the Winter.

Surf Scoter 2019-10

There are hundreds of Surf Scoters at Thomas Point.

Redhead 2019-32 Redhead 2019-29

Redhead 2019-33

I often see Redheads at my friend’s house.

Mallard 2019-44

A Fall Mallard.

Lesser Scaup 2019-35

Lesser Scaup are here in good numbers.

Canvasback 2019-37

Only a few Canvasbacks are here at the moment.

Black Duck 2019-15

I got close to this Black Duck.

Peregrine Falcon 2019-4 Peregrine Falcon 2019-3 Peregrine Falcon 2019-2 Peregrine Falcon 2019-1

Peregrine Falcon 2019-5

I seldom see Peregrine Falcons, and this is only the second at Lake Artemesia.

Hooded Mergansers at Lake Artemesia.

More birds have been arriving , and the variety is improving, The duck population isn’t quite up to snuff, but all is well for the moment.

The weather has been decent, and I’ve managed to get out most days. The Tundra Swans have been cooperative, and some ducks have posed very well.

South River 23

South River from Quiet Waters.

Tundra Swan 2019-83 Tundra Swan 2019-82 Tundra Swan 2019-81 Tundra Swan 2019-80 Tundra Swan 2019-79

Tundra Swan 2019-84

We’re lucky to have a large Tundra Swan Population.

Ring Necked Duck 2019-9

Ring Necked Duck 2019-10

Ring Necked Ducks are numerous now.

Great Blue Heron 2019-60

You can find a Great Blue Heron most days.

Downy Woodpecker 2019-2

Downy Woodpeckers are usually easy to find.

Carolina Wren 2019-7

The song of the Carolina Wren can be heard in most Maryland parks.

Bufflehead 2019-66 Bufflehead 2019-65 Bufflehead 2019-64 Bufflehead 2019-63 Bufflehead 2019-62

Bufflehead 2019-67

Many Buffleheads are in our area now.


Belted Kingfisher 2019-6

Belted Kingfisher 2019-7

The Lake Artemesia Belted Kingfisher has eluded me for several yeares.

Wood Duck 2019-57

It’s hard to beat a Wood Duck in good light.,

Royal Tern 2019-5

A Royal Tern from several years ago.


Redhead 2019-28

The simple design of the Redhead is quite attractive,

Redhead 2019-27

Canvasback 2019-34

Canvasbacks are just beginning to arrive in numbers.

Hooded Merganser 2019-40 Hooded Merganser 2019-39 Hooded Merganser 2019-38 Hooded Merganser 2019-37jpg

Hooded Merganser 2019-41

Hooded Mergansers are always a welcome sight.

Wood Duck at Thomas Point.

Things are picking up, but the weather has been iffy  and other activities claimed my time for a while.

I still managed to get out, and I even got to the Eastern Shore, but it was a waste. It’s still too early for some of the ducks.

Quiet Waters is still too quiet, but I suspect that will change soon.

Thomas Point has been the best deal so far. with the most birds and the greatest variety.

South River 21

South River from Quiet Waters.

Tundra Swan 2019-77 Tundra Swan 2019-76 Tundra Swan 2019-75 Tundra Swan 2019-74 Tundra Swan 2019-73 Tundra Swan 2019-72

Tundra Swan 2019-78

Tundra Swans often make vigorous displays.

Bufflehead 2019-60 Bufflehead 2019-59 Bufflehead 2019-58

Tundra Swan 2019-70

There seems to be more Buffleheads than any other species.

Redhead 2019-26

Several Redheads feed near shore.

Northern Shoveler 2019-3

A Northern Shoveler I re-edited.

Mallard 2019-40

Many Mallards are living at Thomas point. There’s a guy in the ‘hood who feeds them every day.

Canvasback 2019-33

Canvasbacks are not here in big numbers yet.

Bald Eagle 2019-22

Bald Eagle 2019-23

A Bald Eagle pair.

Wood Duck 2019-55

Wood Duck 2019-56

This may be the same Wood Duck who hung out at Thomas Point last year.