It’s been two weeks since I posted anything. We had crap weather, lots of snow and ice and not much in the way of birds.
We’re on our second consecutive 60 degree day now, and things are picking up. Wood Ducks are mating and Pileateds are drumming. The Swans and ducks are still with us, but not for much longer.
White Throated Sparrows will be with us for a while.
This Carolina Wren was singing loudly.
The average Canvasback population appears to be 200+.
There’s regularly 40-50 Tundra Swans near Thomas Point.
Dark Eyed Juncos are in every nook and crannie.
These Black Ducks are hanging out at Thomas Point.
Learn the Bluebird’s song and you’ll hear it everywhere in the park.
A pair of Red Shouldered Hawks is nesting in the park.
This Bald Eagle was perched overlooking Thomas Point.
The average Canvasback population appears to be 200+.
I hear Mourning Doves more often than I see them.
Spring Mallards can be quite feisty.
There’s usually a few Redheads in the flock.
It’s a little unusual to see a Carolina Wren cling to the bark instead of perching.
At least two pairs of Wood Ducks are nesting in the park.
This Pileated Woodpecker can do some serious damage to a tree.
Downy Woodpeckers seem to be doing well.