Yellow Breasted Chat at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

We’re getting some good weather lately, and I took advantage by heading to CBEC. I went a couple of days ago, but the entrance road was completely underwater.

I’m always hoping to find the Turkeys again, and it’s hard to pass up the Tree Swallows. The water is so high that Egrets and Herons are scarce, as well as Sandpipers. The Chats, Ospreys,  and Thrashers are making up for it.

Cardinal 2019-1


Cardinal 2019-2

Cardinals are pretty common lately.

Double Crested Cormorant 2019-18

These Double Crested Cormorants flew overhead at CBEC.

Brown Thrasher 2019-15

There’s a lot of Brown Thrashers at CBCE lately.

Mallard 2019-25

This family of Mallards was feeding in the lake.

Yellow Breasted Chat 2019-105 Yellow Breasted Chat 2019-104

Yellow Breasted Chat 2019-107

It’s hard to get a good look at a Yellow Breasted Chat at this time of year.