Short Billed Dowitcher at Bombay Hook.

With good weather forecast, I travelled to Delaware and the Bombay Hook NWR.  It’s not much further than Blackwater, and they get shorebirds that never appear at Blackwater.

It was crowded early, with many different species, and some were in large numbers. There were some nice flyover birds as well.

I got a few decent images, and was a little surprised that most of the birds disappeared a couple of hours after I arrived.

Tree Swallow 2019-7

Tree Swallow 2019-8

Tree Swallows were numerous.

Snowy Egret 2019-3

There will be more Snowy Egrets later in the season.

Northern Shoveler 2019-19

Good light makes the male Northern Shoveler really stand out.

Northern Shoveler 2019-18 Northern Shoveler 2019-17 Northern Shoveler 2019-16

Northern Shoveler 2019-20

This Northern Shoveler hen is foraging in the marsh.

Greater Yellowlegs 2019-2

Greater Yellowlegs will also be more numerous in a few weeks.

Great Blue Heron 2019-32 Great Blue Heron 2019-31 Great Blue Heron 2019-30 Great Blue Heron 2019-29 Great Blue Heron 2019-28 Great Blue Heron 2019-27 Great Blue Heron 2019-26 Great Blue Heron 2019-25 Great Blue Heron 2019-24

Great Blue Heron 2019-33

Many Great Blue Herons were fishing.

Great Egret 2019-7

A single Great Egret was present.

American Avocet 2019-2 American Avocet 2019-1

American Avocet 2019-3

The American Avocet is a striking bird when in breeding plumage.

Blue Winged Teal 2019-4

I don’t see Blue Winged Teal very often.

Northern Shoveler 23019-15

This Black Duck was just chillin’.

Black Necked Stilt 2019-1

I saw only one Black Necked Stilt, and was lucky to get this shot.

Short Billed Dowitcher 2019-1

Short Billed Dowitcher 2019-2

Bombay Hook is the only place I’ve seen Short Billed Dowitcher.