Bald Eagle at Lake Artemesia.

I was going to try for sunrise at Possum Point this morning, but it didn’t look very exciting, so I waited awhile and went to Lake Artemesia. I got a couple of dawn sky images, but it wasn’t as colorful as I’d like.

Artemesia was as fruitful as it was last week. There were plenty of interesting birds willing to pose, and the light was nearly as good as it gets.  The Trumpeter Swan is still hanging around, and a couple of Mergansers posed as well. I only got one look at the Eagle, who flew right in front of me.

Yet another very good morning.

Lake Artemesia 114

Lake Artemesia 113

Dawn at Lake Artemesia.

Mallard 2018-57

Mallards look good in the right light.

Canada Goose 2018-41

There weren’t as many Canada Geese as usual.

Double Crested Cormorant 2018-25 Double Crested Cormorant 2018-24

Double Crested Cormorant 2018-26

There were at least 17 Double Crested Cormorants.

Ring Billed Gull 2018-8

Ring Billed Gulls are regulars at the lake.


Great Blue Heron 2018-98

Great Blue Heron 2018-99

This Great Blue Heron moved around quite a lot.

Bufflehead 2018-87

Bufflehead 2018-88

Several Buffleheads were foraging in the lake.

Hooded Merganser 2018-31

Hooded Merganser 2018-32

My first good look at a Hooded Merganser this season.

Common Goldeneye 2018-16

Common Goldeneye 2018-17

The Common Goldeneye hens are still hanging around.

Great Egret 2018-105

This Great Egret should be far South of here by now.

Trumpeter Swan 2018-5

Tundra Swan 2018-51

This Trumpeter Swan poses quite readily.